Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A Girl on a Mission

Literally...on a mission.

This is Grace's friend, Lorelle. 

 Grace decided to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, so she won't be back for a while!  She asked me to update her blog every now and again a while ago. Clearly, I am a despicable human being for waiting so long. Don't worry; I won't be telling you about my love life, because it would probably be mostly pictures of the Forever Alone guy, but I will do my best to update you on what's going on with Grace! 

Grace loves her mission, but it has been as demanding and emotional as can be expected. She has had wonderful, spiritual experiences as she shares her faith with others.

She even managed to give a romantic update.

I now quote Grace herself:
"so, first week into my mission, I was feeling super stressed out, and was crying to my companion about how much I'm in love with "Nick", and she told me to just write to him and tell him how I feel, and at first I fought her on it, but then I did it and it was wonderful! I had to wait 3 weeks, but he wrote me a response back that made my heart melt, and my companion says that he pretty much just proposed to me. I say he didn't, but she says he did.  whatever.  It's ok though.  I feel a lot better and I can focus on my work so much more because I'm not worried about telling him or what he would say if I did tell him that I love him, because I already did."