Soooo.......this doesn't relate at all to my Prince Charming search. Well, it kinda does. I'll explain that first. Basically, I don't think I'll EVER understand how concerned my best guy friend/ex boyfriend is about me and my well-being. Hence the reason why I have a ginormous bruise on my hand, from my own stupid decision.
I was in my Finance class, and suddenly, my phone goes off. so of course, teacher comes up "give it to me" "Fine" end of subject. He TAPES IT UP, and gives it to the front office. I'm already pretty pissed. So, I go out of class once we're allowed to leave, and go to my locker to put my backpack away. I shove it in my locker, I'm still really pissed off, and as soon as I shut my locker, almost without thinking, suddenly *WHAM* I turned around around and punched my locker as hard as I could, although almost immediately shaking my hand like crazy and going "oh my gosh, ow" My pinky knuckle swelled up about double it's normal size, and I went and ate lunch, hunky dory. Then, still feeling mad, I got up and went to my locker again, to get my book for guitar. I shut my locker once I got it, and was intending to hit it again, but there were too many people around, and I didn't want to draw attention to myself. So, I saw my friend at the end of the hall, and walked that direction, although I had no intention of talking to him. That's kind of a stupid plan, cuz as soon as he saw me, he says "hey, you ok? You look kinda mad" so I tell him the story, and he's telling me how it's nothing to be mad about, and I whack myself in the face with my guitar book, then, still feeling really pissed off, I turn around and punch the locker behind me, with the SAME hand I had did it with before earlier. The kids standing on the opposite side of the hall, I hear a couple of them go "holy cow" at how hard I hit that thing. my friend, however, wasn't happy, and grabbed my hand, looking over my now really really swollen knuckles. Anyway, once the bell rang, he told me I wasn't allowed to hit anything else, and I went to class, but I couldn't extend my fingers all the way cuz it hurt my knuckles. That was a drag. After class, I had to go get my phone from the office, and I had to talk to an administrator, and I basically just said "shove it, I don't care." in a nice way though. But either or, now I have a "record." And anyway, after that, I texted my best friend, who was my boyfriend a while back, and I told him the whole story, and he was REEEAAALLLLY not happy about how bruised my hand was. In fact, as we were talking about it, he said "you will never do it again. ever." it wasn't just a request, it was a COMMAND. He even admitted that. I was like, "wowza." Then he told me how he was disappointed that I didn't understand how deep his concern is, and I was like "yeah, i don't think I get it either...."