Sunday, January 29, 2012

Take a Number Boys

She's just too funny.  
Ohhhh, Rayray...
What would we do without your constant complaints about how your love life is so unperfect?
Check it out.
Geez, she's a character.  Let's go through what happened.  So, the "Long Story Short" post, how she says her Ex who "f'a'llowed her down to Collage" 
Yeah, whatever. They both enrolled in collage at the same time, because they were dating. For Pete's sake! 
Then he wouldn't give her a ride home because she was mooching.  She never pitches in for gas money, just hops along for the ride. 
Then of course, "after telling him I wouldn't be speaking to him again, gathing my things and saying see ya sucker"
Guess what actually happened? 
She went INTO HIS APARTMENT without his permission! As in went through ALL of his stuff, even his bedroom, to go find all her things because she didn't want to have to face him when he got back.  He couldn't sleep in his room for a week. Then later, he found a note she'd left IN HIS SAFE saying how "it was better this way" blah blah blah and now she won't stop trying to get his attention. Like, going out of her way to make sure he has to pass her when he's getting the mail because as soon as she sees him, she goes out too.
Ugh, she's impossible.  
And she seriously thinks she's gonna find a Prince Charming? What?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Imma Goin On a Date Wif Mah Ex

If you can read that, Kudos.
But yeah, to sum it up, that's exactly what's goin down this Friday.
Ty asked me if I would let him take me out to eat, and I'm still trying to figure out if me saying yes was a good idea or what.. 
He is a lot different than when we broke up, but still, it's like -.^
So, ok, story.  
I was at work, and I was gonna be there for an extra 2 hours after I got off my shift, and Ty was texting me, so I told him, and he was like "when do you get off?" so I told him, but I guess it wasn't enough time, otherwise he said he'd come and get me.  So then, I was like "don't worry about it."  and he said "No, now I feel really bad, because you're always stuck at work."
So then he asked me if I'd let him take me out dinner to make up for it.
Short story short.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Christmas Presents

So, I know I don't talk about him very much, but just before Christmas, Nick sent me a letter with a picture of the Washington D.C. Temple in it.  It's a gorgeous picture, and in the letter, he talked about how he missed seeing snow sooo much.  Just our luck, we haven't had like, ANY.  So, seeing as yesterday it finally snowed, I took a bunch of pictures and I'm going to send them to him, so he can see snow :)
These are the pictures.  I'm no photographer, but I think I can say I'm fairly good at photoshop...
Sort of.
I love the big snow flakes :)

Yeah, I'm a total creeper, taking pictures of my neighbors houses...

This one, in all honesty, is my favorite.  I don't know why.
Alright, so there are the pictures.  I'm not very good with a camera, again.  Wish I was, but I'm not. Oh well. I just really hope he likes them.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I hate liars...

Ty is driving me freaking nuts!
So, a couple months ago, he told me that he got a FB, but never uses it.  His sister is, surprisingly, still one of my friends on FB and I was looking at her profile one day (don't ask me why) and I saw she had posted something on his profile, so I clicked on it, and turns out he's been using it after all.  
I was kind of ticked off.  
Not like it should matter very much, it's just FB, but the thing that made me mad was he lied about it upfront, and still expects me to be good friends with him!
On that note, let me say another thing that happened recently.  He and I were talking, and I asked him if he still thinks that I'm self-centered and only care about boys.  He said,
I asked why he thought that, and after some major digging, I finally got him to tell me.  He said that it's because whenever there's another guy in my life, I seem to all but forget about him. Like about a week ago, he "really needed me" but I was hanging out with Peter, so I didn't answer.  He said he thinks that if I always had someone like that in my life, that I would completely forget about him.
I don't know why the H he can't figure it out, but when I find that special someone for my life, I'm going to completely forget him!  He's not that important to me anymore! And I KNOW I'm not that important to him, so why he's making such a big deal out of is BEYOND ME!!!
So anyway, then we got into another fight, because I said "Have you done anything better?" and that set him off.
So anyway, main point, I texted him, and being point-blank, said "You lied to me."
He, being so innocent, said "Lied to you about what?" So I reminded him of what he'd said, and what I had just seen.  He immediately got really mad at me, and tried to defend himself by saying his sister has had control over it until last month, then he used it, but "he stopped on Dec. 31"
The nearest date on any of his posts was LAST SATURDAY!
He even got desperate enough to say "I just showed it to my mom, and she said it says Dec. 31" to which I replied "whatever" and he said "you can even call her and ask" and I said "you know I won't".
Then he got really mad and said "I'm not one to stand for being called a liar.  Jokingly, yes, but seriously, no. I won't take it."
I actually laughed when I read that, and said "I'm sorry you're so overly sensitive."
We fought more and more and eventually he twisted the conversation so I was the bad guy, and he said "should I just leave you alone till you simmer down?" and I said "i'm fine."
He said he didn't believe me
"I said I'm fine."
He didn't push it anymore after that.
Since that conversation, I've since looked at his FB profile again, and just as I saw before, Jan 14 is the most recent date.
Frickin liar face.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Involuntary Time Machine

So, anyone remember me talking about a certain guy from the show I was in last summer? The one that told me he liked me the day after I broke up with Ty, then I rebounded (which I did feel bad for) but it wasn't really my fault.. Sort of. 
Anyway, the last time he talked to me, he got really mad at me because he was trying to get me to be his girlfriend again and I basically said "no way in heck. I know I'm not gonna marry you" and he got really pissed off at me and said a whole bunch of stuff that wasn't really very nice, then he hasn't talked to me in a looooong time.  That was September-October ish... It's now JANUARY.
So yeah, um...let me think of a name for him real quick... 
ummmm, Nigel. We'll call him Nigel.
I like that.
Ok, so I was talking to another good friend of mine who is Nigel's cousin.  His name is Taylor.  Taylor was the one who got me into the last show I was in, and I could swear he was trying to set me up with Nigel the whole time, but obviously that didn't work. So, after Nigel freaked out at me for the last time and decided to leave and never speak to me again, Taylor told me that it would probably last a few days, maybe a week at most, and then he'd try to talk to me again.  Again, obviously, didn't happen.  So, I guess just a little while ago, I got this nasty sickness thing where I had to go to the doctor and so all sorts of blood tests, etc. to make sure I didn't have appendicitis or something serious.  My family doesn't have insurance at the moment, because my dad just switched jobs and there's a waiting period.  
I sent out a big text to a bunch of people asking for their prayers because I really didn't want to have a surgery right in the middle of the waiting period, and when Taylor got the text, he happened to be with Nigel..
Nigel asked him if it was me who had texted him, and he said yes.  He said something then that really surprised Taylor.  He said "I feel really bad about the way I treated her."
It surprised me just as much when Taylor told me. I never thought he'd ever say it.  Like, ever.
Even better though, next week is the awards night at the playhouse and he's going to be there... -.- I'm hoping he doesn't just assume everything's fine and think he's got a chance again because I'm really tired of dealing with stupid guys like him who set themselves up to be hurt and then are a complete baby about it when they get the truth.  It does make me kinda irritated though, because Nigel and Taylor started this web series for the theater that looks like it's sooo much fun, and Nigel once asked me if I would consider being in it, buuut, after everything went down under between me and him, basically forget about that, pretty much... 
So yeah... We'll see how the awards night goes...
I'm scared.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My Future Husband

I haven't read my Aunt's blog in a long time, but I was just looking through it earlier today, and some of her posts about her married life with her family are just hilarious.  I credit it to the fact that most of them have severe A.D.D, or at least we all think they do.
My aunt, by the way, is a hilarious woman who can come up with the randomest comments/sudden reactions out of anyone on the planet. For example: 4th of July...2 years ago, I think. Nope, it was the 3rd, because we had gone to watch the hot air balloon liftoff.  We had gone back to my Grandma's house to have breakfast, and I crashed on the couch, exhausted and grouchy.  My aunt sees me slumbering peacefully and immediately strolls right over to me and sits on my head.  
I don't remember any of this.  Thank heaven I'm a heavy sleeper.
Anyway, I was reading a couple posts from her blog. These ones: 
in particular, are my favorite.  The little banters between her and my ever-patient uncle are remarkably hilarious and just plain old make me burst into laughter at any insignificant moment.  
I will admit, it's a little hard to imagine my uncle saying half of these things in this blog, because he rarely ever opens his mouth at family parties.  He just sits in the big rocking chair and watches all of us, most of the time.  Not in a creeper-ish way, in an "I can't hear anything anyone's saying, so I'm just going to keep quiet."
He's half-deaf.
Anyway, reading these posts have made me re-think what I want my married life to be like.  I definitely want mine to be fun and full of adventures with my life-long-companion of my choosing.  Even if those adventures include cussing at each other and throwing pillows and "superman"ing off the bed trying to save his life.  
Sure, I want my marriage to be one where my spouse and I respect each other, but a relationship where everything has to be prudent and perfect and practical is BORING!
Relax, I'm not getting married.
Not yet.
I don't intend on taking that step for a loooong time.  Not nearly ready enough. 
But, I am getting more of an idea of what I want in my future life, and what I want in my future husband.

Monday, January 9, 2012


Sometimes I don't really like dreaming about boys.
Especially boys I like.
But other times I love it.
I crave it.
It makes me feel like I'm not alone.
Even though I know I'm not.
Because everyone needs a little fantasy now and then,
don't they?
It's the only way we all stay sane.
It brings a happiness that life itself can't offer.
Or perhaps I just haven't found it yet.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I want to figure out how to have music play when people look at my blog.
Anyone know how to do it who'd care to tell me how?
I can't figure it out.. obviously.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

*Bang*... *Bang*... *Bang*

That was me beating my head against the wall, in case you were wondering.
Turns out...
Peter likes me.
Or at least he said he's starting to...
Most of me isn't surprised, but that doesn't mean I'm happy about it by any means, because I'm not.
Because now I have to worry about staying friends with him while not making it seem like I like him so I don't lead him on and break his heart, because I'd feel completely awful and terrible if that happened...  
So yeah... I'm a little confused about what to do... and I feel horrible... 
We'll see what happens...?