Sunday, January 22, 2012

Christmas Presents

So, I know I don't talk about him very much, but just before Christmas, Nick sent me a letter with a picture of the Washington D.C. Temple in it.  It's a gorgeous picture, and in the letter, he talked about how he missed seeing snow sooo much.  Just our luck, we haven't had like, ANY.  So, seeing as yesterday it finally snowed, I took a bunch of pictures and I'm going to send them to him, so he can see snow :)
These are the pictures.  I'm no photographer, but I think I can say I'm fairly good at photoshop...
Sort of.
I love the big snow flakes :)

Yeah, I'm a total creeper, taking pictures of my neighbors houses...

This one, in all honesty, is my favorite.  I don't know why.
Alright, so there are the pictures.  I'm not very good with a camera, again.  Wish I was, but I'm not. Oh well. I just really hope he likes them.

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