So, apparently Peter isn't doing as well as I
had once thought.
Which really kinda pisses me off.
I mean, I put my heart and soul into trying to get
him to come back to church, and it's
resulted in nothing at all.
What is missing??
I mean, the only thing that's come of it is
he's completely desperate for a relationship,
and because of that, he started
dating this girl who really isn't a good influence.
If anything, it's dragging him right back into
the hole that I spent a freaking year and a half
trying to dig him out of!
I mean, yeah, it's his decision to come back or not,
but I would think it's just somewhat
inconsiderate when you have a friend who is
putting themselves completely on the line to try to help
you be a happier person, and then to just turn
around and be like "nevermind."
He'd rather have a girlfriend.
I even told him once that he should do what I'm doing,
and just not date altogether, and he was like
"Oh my gosh, I could never do that."
"Oh my gosh, I could never do that."
And my thought was "Then you are already gone."
And whaddaya know?
That's basically what's happened.
I'm actually finding that I get along better with
Fidget, Peter's best friend.
He's a really cool guy.
I couldn't ever date him, cuz for one, I'm done
dating guys that are shorter than me,
because it's kind of irritating.
And I think it'd kinda piss Peter off if we
started dating.
And not to mention, I don't think it'd be worth it
to risk a friendship over the slim chance that you'd
discover that you are actually very compatible
with that person, and could
maybe marry them.
Not at this age anyway.
Maybe when I'm significantly older, but
definitely not now.
And Fidget is trying to get on a mission, so I
don't want to get in the way of that. No way.
I'm starting to wonder what is the point of me
even trying to get any of my guy friends out
on missions, because as soon as I start trying, they start
liking me, and then I try to smack some sense
into them, and then they get all depressed and go
right back to square one.
I mean, my brother has FINALLY decided to
start working on his mission papers, and I'm really happy
for him, like seriously, but it was starting
to make me nervous, because he was being so wishy-washy
about the whole thing, which is never good.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I understand, a mission is hard.
Leaving your family for 2 years to go serve a mission,
I've considered serving a mission
when the time is right for me.
But that's kind of a long ways away, and people have
started betting that I'm gonna be married before then.
Man, I have a lot on my mind tonight...
And I'm stalling time till Fidget gets off work so
I can talk to him.
I even tried talking to Peter tonight, and of course
he's busy with his girlyfriend, so I was like "screw this,
I'm going to bed."
I didn't literally say that, but that's what I thought.
Oh, and when I was visiting Fidget at work,
he told me something wonderful about a certain old
friend of mine.
She and Peter had kind of a thing, and then things kinda
went bad, I won't go into details about it, but
basically she really pissed me off, so I basically told
her off, and then apparently later, she was complaining
to Fidget, and was like,
"Grace is being really mean to me"
Blah blah blah
It's not being mean.
It's called ramming a railroad spike through your forehead
so you see how much of a moron you're being.
I would have been fine and gotten over it, but now that I
know how she feels about it, I don't think we're ever
going to be really close again.
And honestly, I don't really care.
I'm so sick of two-faced Mormons, who claim to be living
the standards, but then they don't show actual
charity towards people who really need it.
I don't think anything bothers me more than that.
So, if this affects a certain circle of friends for me,
come what may.
She made her choice.
I don't put up with that type of behavior.
I know, she has psychological issues.
So does he.
Maybe it was just a bad match to begin with.
But seriously, her parents?
Craziest parents I've ever heard of.
She's 19 freaking years old, and she had a
10:00 curfew.
What college student has a 10:00 curfew!?!?
One who has freaking crazy parents.
Idk. now I'm just kinda rambling because I need stuff
to do until Fidget gets off work.
Hopefully it won't be very long.
If anything I may just need to go to bed and wait till
tomorrow morning.
I think one of the reasons I'm pissed at Peter,
aside from the obvious, is that now that he's got
a girlfriend, he NEVER talks to me anymore!
Honestly, any relationship that tears you away from your
friends is a bad relationship.
You shouldn't be spending that much time with a significant
other anyway. Save it for marriage people.
And I really needed to talk to him today.
Cuz today freaking sucked.
The whole "Ty's going on his mission in 4 months" thing
was really weighing down on me and I actually ended
up having a little mini emotional breakdown while
my mom and sister were in my bedroom.
Luckily, I have freaking ninja skills and neither of them
Anyway, that's all for tonight.
Peace y'all.
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