Cutest thing happened last night!
So, I will admit this openly,
adjusting to "normal" life has been really hard.
It's hard to see or find meaning in
anything I do nowadays.
Days go by, and I just feel like "really?
it's only been that long?"
Because it feels like forever.
So, I've been having a bit of a struggle with it,
and last night I just couldn't handle it by myself,
so I asked Ricky if I could call him when he
got home from where ever he was.
He said I definitely could,
so then it was just the waiting game.
It was interesting, I asked if I could call him,
but he called me.
I thought that was a really cute gesture.
As we were talking, I was pretty much just
venting, telling him everything about how I was
feeling, and sometime during the conversation,
I got emotional and started to cry a little bit.
But, being me, of course, I was trying
to swallow it and hide it.
At one point, he asked me a question,
and I was trying to answer, but I had a huge
lump in my throat, so I paused for a minute.
He asked if I was ok, to which I responded
that I was fine, and then he asked if I was crying,
to which I just said "maybe..."
and he said "I can hear it."
Me, being myself, I said "I'm trying not to."
and he responded by saying "I can tell,
I know you don't like to, but it's ok. You can
let it out."
If we were in person, and he touched me
when he said that, I probably would have totally
melted and everything would have come out.
But, it was just over the phone,
so I held myself together.
It was so sweet though, after I'd explained
everything about how I was feeling and why,
he had me read a couple scriptures that pretty much
said exactly what I needed to hear.
And we told each other that we would remind
each other to both read and pray, so neither of us
will forget.
It's funny, sometimes he talks really fast
on the phone and I have to ask him to repeat what
he just said.
It was really interesting though, at the end of our
conversation, we were talking about
personality types. I had taken the "16 Personalities"
test and figured out that I'm an "ISFJ".
But anyway, we were talking about that, and
Ricky told me that his result was an ESFJ,
so very similar to mine, but he's more of an extrovert
than I am.
So, after we got off the phone, I was a total creep
and looked up the personality profile for ESFJ.
And, I liked everything I read!
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