So, a couple interesting things happened today.
My dad called me and we had a
long conversation about me and David,
and where all that's going.
I'm very soon going to have been in the
shortest relationship of my life.
I'm breaking up with David.
I kind of decided that today.
That's really weird, honestly.
For those of you who know me well,
I don't do short relationships.
I can usually determine the ending of a
relationship before it even starts,
so I usually don't start them unless
I see them lasting for a long time.
But, I guess this one was different.
Either that or I'm just learning to be a
lot smarter than maybe I have been
It was super weird though, when my dad
called me earlier today though.
I knew what he was calling about before
I even picked up the phone,
but just the fact that he called wanting to
talk to me about it was weird enough.
He's my dad.
He never wants to talk about that stuff.
Or at least I've never thought so.
But, he brought up something that I thought
was really interesting.
I had always thought that the whole
physical attraction thing was just a carnal
desire and that it really didn't matter a whole lot
in regard to marriage.
When I was on the phone with my dad though,
he said that physical attraction is just as
important as spiritual attraction.
Some people are spiritually attractive to me.
Some people are physically attractive to me.
I need to find someone who is both,
because like it even says in the scriptures,
"All things are both spiritual and temporal."
Meaning that the physical attraction is
also important.
I'd never thought of it like that.
I'd always just thought that if I find a really great guy,
it won't matter if I think he's drop-dead gorgeous,
because he'll be super righteous.
Turns out I was wrong about that.
Maybe that's something I was supposed to learn
from this whole thing.
Who knows?
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