Monday, November 15, 2010


So....last week was Sadies. In a way it could've been an absolute FAILURE, but i'm trying to see it in a positive way. Basically, this was the first time that "larry" was gonna meet my friends, and he was a little too quiet, even for him and his shyness. But anyways, the best part of the story was after the day date, and continuing on after that. I was so nervous about introducing him to my friends that I was totally out of it for most of the day, that when i was driving him home from the day date, I ran a stop sign...
After that, he kept accusing me of trying to kill him. TEASING, of course, but still, i was in no mood to put up with it. After the dance, he and I went back to his house to get him the pain meds he needed for his head because of his blasted concussion, and i was having a minor allergic reaction to my friend's dog and he decided it'd be a wise decision to give me some benedryl.
(Note: I've never had to take Benedryl before, so I have no idea what it does or anything. I don't take pills for pretty much anything.)
When he gave me the pills, he said "i don't wanna give you too many cuz I don't wanna totally drug you" and I didn't interpret it the way he meant it, which was "I don't wanna completely knock you out, but these will make you drowsy"
Anyways, so we drove back up to where we were supposed to meet my friends, but we didn't see any of them up there, so we went to my house for a minute, then i had to drive him home, and as we sat in my car, i was getting SUUUUPER tired and kept almost falling asleep.
"What's wrong with me?" I half asked myself, and half asked him.
"It's the Benedryl. It makes you drowsy."
Dramatic silence.
Me: "......what?"
"I told you that. I said I didn't wanna give you too many and totally drug you."
"Well I didn't know you meant it THAT way! You drugged me!"
"I did not!"
"did too!"
"Well you tried to kill me!"
(Note: we were completely joking and teasing this whole time, because I had run the stop sign, and he had given me unknown drugs(for me anyways))
"That was on total accident! You drugged me!"
"When you put it that way, it sounds so much worse..."
"Exactly, so stop saying I tried to kill you cuz i DIDN'T, or i'll tell everyone that you drugged me"
haha lets just say I won that arguement.

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