Thursday, February 10, 2011


There's been a looot going on since I last posted... There's so much going on in my mind that I have no idea how to explain it, and even if I did, it wouldn't do it justice. I don't even know if I should be saying anything about what's going on either... It's so hard though. Not being able so say anything, but watching the one I love go through so much trial and I can't do anything to help it. We're still "together," but he has had to deal with so much in the past 2 the point where it's killing me because I can't help. I know I need to stay right by his side and not be selfish and say that he's just ignoring me, because he's not. He just has a lot more adult-like responsibility now... which is completely unfair and wrong in my eyes because he's not even graduated from high school yet. Idk...
I might post details about it more soon, but for now, i have to go to school.

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