Sunday, February 13, 2011


There's a lot more to the story with "Larry"'s parents than I've gotten to tell, just because there's so much. The last I heard of everything is that his dad kept moving the court dates to try and throw off Larry's guardian and lawyer so he might not get in as much trouble, or something stupid like that. I'm just gonna say it. I think his dad is a freaking abusive coward and I HATE him for it. I hate what he's doing to their family, to his children, and everything. I hate it all! It's unfair and wrong and twisted and messed up, and SO many other words! I mean, when Larry finally actually went to court, it was him, his guardian, his lawyer, and his dad's lawyers. They agreed that his dad is dangerous, or at least I think that's what Larry told me. But anyway, they decided that he still has the right to see his kids and whatnot. So, they decided that every other weekend is "Dad" weekend for the kids. Larry, his little sister and brother have to go spend every other Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in their grandparents basement with their dad. And another thing, their grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins aren't allowed to talk to them or be around them anymore either, so that's great.
The first Dad weekend was last week, and Larry wasn't taking it very well. He still gets blistering headaches from his concussion, and his pain pills also make him drowsy so he's tired a LOT, and I just had deja vu. Double, actually. Anyway, Larry wouldn't go to sleep until everyone else would because he didn't want his Dad whispering lies to the little kids and making things even harder at home because he did that one night with his little brother and he ended up an absolute monster for a few days. so he would stay up almost all night every night, which was never good for his head, and he was getting stressed out from being with his dad, from what he told me, and I asked him if he wanted to call me or something and he said he couldn't because "parent time can't be interrupted." I actually got really pissed off when he said that. Not because I think it's a ridiculous 'policy' but because there's literally NOTHING I can do to help him when he's with his dad, and his dad is being an irresponsible, lazy, groveling, scheming creep! I mean, the only thing he's done with the kids since they've gotten to go visit him is take them places and buy them things and eat junk food and sit in the basement and watch TV! I seriously want to scream when I think that they have to go through that every other weekend. I mean, the LEAST he could do is actually feed his kids right. But no, he can't even do that.
I've been keeping most of these feelings about his father and family secret from him for a really long time. He knows I have some negative feelings about them but I won't tell him what they are because it wouldn't help him cope with the situation any better than he already is. Having to live with the fact that his father is (for lack of a better term) a jackass. And so are his grandfather and grandmother. They're all trying to buy "Larry"'s love. In fact, his dad even told him the other day "_____, your grandparents love you, and they'll buy you anything you want."
Manipulation, much?
I think so.
His dad does the exact same thing. Whenever they go out to a store or anything like that, his dad is always like "do you want this? do you want that? I'll buy it for you." It's frickin' ridiculous! Larry has even told me that it bothers him a lot whenever they do that, but he won't accept anything from them, which I think is good, because he's showing them he can't be manipulated and "bought off" like some people might. I hate everything that's going on though. The more I hear about what his dad is doing, the more I almost WISH that I could be in the same room with him again, once, so I could give him a good deck in the nose, but that'll never happen, and if it did, I'd probably be too afraid to do it for fear that he'd kill me, literally.
Last Wednesday, I took Larry to go and see a play at my school, and afterward, we had to go back to my work to get my clothes, which I had accidentally left behind. (I was in my swimsuit and some sweat pants because I teach swimming lessons, and I had intended to change into normal clothes for the play, but I left them at work so that didn't work out) While we were driving back, he was telling me everything that was happening. I was actually really shocked at some of what was happening.
Turns out, from the court case at the beginning of the month, the judge decided to have Larry be responsible for his little brother and sister, not his mom or his older sister, which again, I think is REALLY ridiculous because he's only 17, but the court deemed him the most responsible person in this whole situation, so now they're kinda like his 'wards'. They can't see or talk to their dad without him being there to supervise. It also includes phone calls. I guess their dad has the right to talk to them every day so they call him every day at 10:00 pm. "Larry" has to be there, and they HAVE to call him or they can get in trouble or something, so that puts a major roadblock in mine and his way because he has to be home every day at 10 so he can be there for them to call his dad. I mean, hello! He's still in high school! He has his own LIFE to live!
Maybe I'm just upset because that means that unless I'm over at his house, I can't be with him for very long unless we go somewhere in like, the middle of the day. It makes me so mad though. I can't even really find the words to say what I feel like, because there's so much I want to say but don't know how without saying very some very rude things. I'm just glad that "Larry" still doesn't read my blog, because some of the things I say on here, I don't want him knowing till I can bring myself to tell him in voice. And my feelings on this subject are still raw and the subject is still so new and fresh and heartbreaking, that I don't want to make it worse for anyone in his family, especially him, by openly expressing my opinions about his father and the rest of his family, because I think they're nothing more than a bunch of no-good, back-stabbing manipulators.
I said it.
Anyway, there's some thoughts on what's been going on lately. I'll try to keep posting regularly, since I'm finding that before school is a wonderful time to do some blogging.

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