Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Screw men. Period.

I hate men.
Let me tell you why.
Last night, I had a long conversation with Samuel, about my social anxiety. He doesn't understand it, nor do I believe he ever will. In short, he told me that whenever I lean on him as my "wing-man", it makes him uncomfortable.
Thanks a lot.
And then he's all worried that he's leading me on when he pretty much completely ignores me. Yeah, whatever.
I'm so done with this crap.
And then other people's remarks, which they think are so damn helpful, just make it that much worse.
"You'll find him eventually.."
"He's out there somewhere"
"You just have to stop looking and you'll find him."
Stop telling me that. I've been there, done that, I've stopped looking for a man and TWICE, one has fallen into my life only to leave me a bitter, broken-hearted wretch because I'm too much for them to handle.
I can't do this anymore. I'm done with men.
So, here you go, God:
I am henceforth swearing off dating for this entire freaking year! So, if your plan is for me to get married, you'd better send me a prince and a lightning bolt to go with it so I know it's him.
Or I'll grow up an old maid.
There. The end.

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