Friday, February 11, 2011


Ok, so I decided that I'm gonna tell about everything that's been going on for the last few months, because I can't stand keeping it to myself anymore. It's getting to be too hard.
Basically, "Larry"'s dad has had some serious issues over the years that he won't get rid of, but when he's confronted on them he gets all apologetic and nice and whatnot. Anyway, so, his mom caught him doing some stuff, I still don't know what, and she totally went off, because this was the last she was gonna take of it. She called the cops on him and had him escorted out of the house, so he went to Larry's grandparents house. That's where he's been staying since December.
Right from the get-go, his dad's extended family got super pissed off and started saying that it was his mom's fault that they were fighting, and that they were now gonna get divorced, when it really wasn't, which is twisted and stupid. But anyway, so there was that that "Larry" and I had to deal with. Then, just about a month and a half ago, he and his siblings were over visiting their dad, and Amanda (his sister) and his dad were yelling at each other and his dad said something like "your mom is a f------ b----." and "Larry" lost it and went over and started yelling at his dad. They started pushing each other around, and he pushed his dad up against a wall, and his dad punched him in the head, splitting the top of his ear, and also, giving him another concussion.
As soon as his dad hit him, he let fly. He hit his dad probably about 5 times in the back of the head, after he knocked him on the ground, and when turned to leave, his uncle put him in a head-lock and held him in the room, possibly trying to give his dad a chance to come and beat him... "Larry"s sister saw what was happening and went and sat on their dad to keep him from getting up. Oh, and also, in the skirmish between he and his dad, his grandma tried to separate them and he accidentally bumped into her with his shoulder and knocked her down. After everything had settled down, his family all had a big discussion (everyone but his mom, that is) and they pretty much blamed EVERYTHING on "Larry." When he went home, his mom cleaned his ear because it was all bloody, and then he stopped talking to me for a little bit, and I assumed it was because he was asleep, or in the shower. I had this feeling though, like I should go over and see him, because I knew he needed company, and not to mention, he probably didn't know what to do with himself. I mean, heck, he nearly knocked his dad unconscious...
I made the decision before I told him, and Chris (my brother) took me to his house. On the way, "Larry" was telling me not to come because I had school in the morning, and he was reassuring me that he was going to be fine, but I said "no, I'm coming."
When I got there, I was terrified that he was going to be completely out of it like he was the last time he got a concussion, so the first thing I did was make him look in my eyes so I could see if his pupils were dilated. They didn't look bad but they didn't look normal... I took him in my arms to give him a hug, but my head bumped his injured ear and he flinched. I felt awful. After a minute, we went to the couch upstairs and I sat next to him and we talked. The look on his face still burns my memory and the tone of his voice makes my heart ache when I remember it. He said "I don't know who I am anymore... I've never done anything like that. I don't know if I'm safe to be around you anymore. If I ever lost my temper at you, I don't know if I could keep myself contained to not like, hurt you..."
I told him that I don't think he would ever hurt me, because I know he cares about me too much to even consider it.
His eyes started to water, and I tried putting my arms around him, but he said "no, I've cried too much today." and I asked him what he meant, and he told me he was in the shower for a really long time. and I said "yeah, almost an hour." Then he said "I had to let some stuff out."
When he said that, it panged my heartstrings. He had been crying in the shower for almost an hour? That's NEVER happened before. I didn't know how to react to that, except just to love him and be there for him.
Before long, a cop showed up at the door to talk to them about someone in his family trying to press charges against him, so I had to leave. I told him to call me or text me as soon as the cop left, then Chris took me home...

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