Friday, October 5, 2012

Slowly, but surely

So, things have been going rather well since Fidget and I held hands a couple days ago.
I saw him again yesterday after I was done with Institute
I saw Nathan while I was at Institute, except he was being all stoic and untalkative, which is extremely unlike him, so I asked him if he was mad at me, and he said he was just thinking about things, which, being interpreted, means "I am so jealous and envious because you didn't choose me but I'm going to try to not tell you."
I kinda got on his case for that, and today, he finally came around and was like "I'm sorry I was such a dork yesterday"
Anyway, so I went to see Fidget after Institute, and he wasn't off yet, but our other couple friends, who just recently got engaged, Brandon and Carrie, were there as well, so I talked to them. Peter was there too, and I tried to not talk to him, but Brandon tried to make me, which was rather annoying.
After Fidget was done with work, we all decided we wanted to go out to dinner, and we decided we wanted to go to Denny's.
Funny thing, we went to the same Denny's we were at that night after my inservice, when Fidget first called me beautiful.
When we were there, Fidget kept making little remarks about how attractive and amazing I am, which I found cute and flattering.  He and I hadn't held hands in the car on the way there, and we didn't really do anything while we were at Denny's, or on the way back to his house at all, actually.
But, once we got back to his house, I remembered my car was still at Macey's, so we all drove back in the Mint Green van, and when we first got in, Carrie through something up to my seat, and I looked at it, and it was a skull. Naturally, I flipped out, screamed, dropped it on the floor, and curled my feet up. 
Then everybody laughed at me.
Fidget started making fun of me, saying that the skull was going to bite me, then he picked it up and was holding it, then he screamed, and I thought it was because the skull bit him or something, but really he had whacked his funnybone on something,  so I reached over and grabbed his hand, asking if he was ok, and he said "Yeah, just don't let go."
Carrie and Brandon thought that was just adorable, so then they started making couple jokes and stuff towards us. When we got to Macey's to get my car, Fidget came and opened my door for me, and Carrie rode back to Fidget's house with me.  When we got back, Brandon was making more couple jokes, and said to me and Fidget: "You guys should get married"
Fidget and I just looked at each other in shock, and were like "ummmm....."
Then we went out into Fidget's back yard and were looking at the stars from his trampoline, and Brandon made another comment.  He was like "It's so cute to see you guys finally together."
So yeah, that was basically all of yesterday. 
Today, I was texting Fidget while I was at work, and he said "My cousin wants to meet you."
I figured he meant his cousin Foster, because Foster has talked to me on facebook before, but Fidget was like "Nope, different cousin." 
This particular cousin had started a whole bunch of rumors that Fidget was gay.
But yeah, I was like "What? How did she even come to find out about me?" And he said "Well, my sister was talking to her and was like 'Oh, you've gotta meet Fidget's girlfriend. She's super pretty and nice'." then he said "So yeah, basically my whole family loves you."
I decided to point out that we're not officially dating yet, but both of us find all these funny stories to be incredibly amusing.
Who knows, it may take the fun out of it to start something serious.

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