On a rather unexpected turn of events, something that I never expected to happen for another several months happened tonight.
Fidget held my hand..
Haha I was rather incredibly impressed by his timing too.
I went over to his house tonight, and at first, we were up watching more footage of films he's working on, and then we decided to go downstairs into the "Man Cave" and watch Indiana Jones, because I will admit, I've never seen all of them all the way through...
Fidget decided to take it upon himself to show me the world of Jones.
So, during the movie, we were in our usual place, side by side, arms/shoulders touching, but nothing more. It had kind of started to irritate me because I was just like "Come on, make a move already!"
But then tonight, we're sitting there watching Raiders of the Lost Ark, and I had seen bits of it when I was little, and it had scared me to death.. It got to those parts again, and I started to kind of freak out and leaned into Fidget's shoulder, half involuntarily, and then this one time, I jumped really bad and afterward, he started laughing and said "Here, you can squeeze my hand if it gets really scary."
And voila, we were holding hands.
There was one part in the movie where Indiana played a smooth move on the girl, so I leaned over and said kinda quietly to Fidget,
"You know, you're pretty smooth too."
He laughed and asked what I meant, and all I did was tap his hand with the hand he was holding, and he started laughing again.
Couldn't have asked for a better moment though, and he took advantage of it. I was impressed.
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