Sunday, June 24, 2012

I'm not dating. Or am i...?

Ok, so, on Wednesday I went to Lagoon with a couple friends, didn't think anything was gonna happen. One of said friends was Mark, the guy I met at my friend's mission farewell.
The whole time we were at the park, when he'd walk next to me, our hands would always brush, like, all the time.
I kinda figured he wanted to hold my hand but I didn't want to say anything.
When we went on the Ferris Wheel, he was like "I'm kind of afraid of heights. I need to hold somebody's hand" in a joking way. He totally wasn't being serious. Me, also not being serious, said "It's ok Mark, I'll hold your hand"
When we got to the top of the wheel, he went rigid, and I could tell he was freaking out, so I reached over and grabbed his hand, still just kinda going with the joke we had.
As soon as the ride was over, I let go of his hand, and we went along our merry way, but still, whenever we'd walk side by side, he'd always brush my hand with his.
We ended up going again later, and again, I held his hand so he "wouldn't be scared" but that time, instead of just leaving it as was, he like, fit his hand comfortably into mine..
After that I was like 'Uhhh, ok..."
But it wasn't bad.
It didn't feel weird.
When we left Lagoon and drove home, we had to take the other girl home first, and then we went to my house and I remembered I had work in less than 4 hours so I was just going to stay up all night and wait to go to work. He stayed up with me, and we went on a walk. In the first block or so, he brushed my hand sooo many times that I knew he wanted to hold my hand, but he wouldn't grab it!
So, I stuck my hands in my pockets.
I caught him glance down at my hands like, "dang it.." so I said "My fingers are cold.."
"Here." He offered his hand, and we did the interlacing fingers hold.
I kind of smirked to myself because it was like "There you go, good job."
We came back to my house and got up on my roof and watched the stars, but it was cold, so we went inside and got blankets and we were going to go on the grass, but it was wet because my mom had just watered, so we went on the sidewalk. He put his arms around me, and we talked about lots of things, and watched for shooting stars, and then we started a competition to see who could see the most. By the end of the night, we'd both seen 13.
When it got to be 3:30, I told him it was time for me to go get ready for work, so we hugged and said good night, well, good morning more like.

Then yesterday, we went on another date..
We went to dinner at Subway then to go see the new Disney Pixar movie, 'Brave', which, by the way, was awesome.
At the beginning of the movie, our elbows and hands were touching, but he still wouldn't grab my hand. I guess he gets really nervous about that sort of thing. In fact, eventually, he took his hand away altogether, and I was about to be rather disappointed, but then he moved my arm and put the arm rest up, and put his arms around me. We cuddled like that for the whole movie, and when it was over, we went to go back to his car and he couldn't find his car key, so we ran back into the theater to look for it. We didn't find anything, and I asked if maybe he'd left it in the keyhole, so we went back out to his car, and sure enough, there it was. I felt rather awesome.
I was teasing him about not being able to relax from almost losing his key, but then I reached over and grabbed his hand, which I think shocked him, but after that he had no problem in just reaching over and grabbing mine when we would let go.
Little bit of back story, my parents and family besides my older brother were gone for the weekend, so when we got back to my house, I was gonna be alone, basically, so he offered to help me wind down and get to sleep. We went downstairs and watched one of my favorite chick-flicks, and I actually ended up falling asleep when he was holding me..
When the movie was over, I said I could probably go to sleep and be fine, so we hugged and he left, and I went and got ready for bed, and it turned out to be ok. I was still kind of freaked out after turning my light off, so I slept with my two big pillows on either side of me and my pepper spray on my night stand.
I don't know what to call it. We haven't had a "DTR" and honestly, I don't want to have one. There isn't any "relationship" involved. And there most likely won't ever will be one. But I can like him if I want, there's no harm in that.

Monday, June 18, 2012

I promise I'm not a stalker!

Ok, so, quick story, then some of us have to go to bed.
Last Thursday, I was with Peter, and we decided to walk down to a gas station and get drinks. The gas station is really close to Ty's house, so we had to pass it on our way there. No big deal.
On our way back though, we were about two houses down from his and I noticed there were people outside his house. 
I stopped dead in the middle of the sidewalk.
Peter asked if I was ok, I said I wasn't going to move until they were gone. Of course, they ended up getting in their car and driving right past us! Thank heaven for Peter, he stood on the outside of the sidewalk, to try to shield me from their headlights. 
Once they were gone, we kept walking, but keep in mind, it was about 10:30 at night. 
I thought, what a grand opportunity!
We could stick around, hidden from sight, and wait till they got home. If Ty was with them, I could see him, but he wouldn't see me! Maybe this crazy addiction to his face would go away if I indulged it once!
So, we stuck around, probably about 15 minutes, and Peter started to get an earache, so he asked if we were gonna stay much longer, and I said "If the next car that passes isn't him, we'll go. Deal?" He said that was fine, and we stood there talking for a bit. No cars were coming back up the road they'd gone down, so I wasn't worried. My back was to the road, and suddenly, a pair of headlights appeared from behind us and stayed for a long time... 
They were slowing down...
And then their white car turned into his driveway.
I was in plain sight!
"We need to get out of here!" I whispered, panicked, to Peter. There was a bush nearby, and I quickly ran behind it with Peter close behind. 
"Dude, where'd those people go?" One of them asked as they got out of their car, and I tried to not hyperventilate but my heart was pumping so much adrenaline I could scarcely sit still. 
I watched through the bush, and it looked like we were safe, but suddenly a hulking figure wearing a black shirt and red shorts came sneaking across the road! I couldn't see the face, but I was almost certain it was Ty! 
What kind of situation would that be for us to be hiding and discovered by the person we came to see??? Holy awkwardness!
I turned around and headed for the sidewalk, telling Peter to come walk with me, and we walked quickly away from the yard, and down the adjacent street.  I asked if the person was following us, and Peter said he didn't want to turn and look.
"I can't check! If it is Ty, and I turn around, and he sees me, I'm, screwed!" I whispered, and after walking past several more houses, we slowed and looked behind us. 
There was nobody there. 
I still don't know who it was, but the more I think about it, the more sure I am that it was probably his sister's boyfriend, because Ty's too cool to go after "stalkers". He probably would've just looked across the street, said "whatever" and gone inside. And even if he did come after us, I'm positive he wouldn't have barked like that guy did...

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I hope I have enough pennies

Ok, so for the past forever and a half,
 I've been sooooo tempted to try to talk to Ty.
Dumbest idea ever!
But I seriously can't help it!
It's like a parasite that's taking over my entire being! 
I have no idea why, but I just feel this urge to ask how he's doing, 
what he's up to, 
things like that.
 But he's perfectly fine without me.  
And I'm trying to be perfectly fine without him.
But it's not working...
Like, last Friday he got his wisdom teeth out, 
which, as soon as I saw that,
I have no idea why but I randomly started bawling...
Probably because he was there when I got mine out,
and we would always talk about what it'd be like
when he got his out.
You know what I mean?
So it was a major "I miss you" moment.
Then it happened again today.
Apparently he actually swelled up and has to take Lortab,
which means he isn't as immune to pain as he always claimed.
After leaving him a graduation gift, 
I kinda sorta want to leave him something again.
But that's a really bad idea.
But then why is it consuming me?
Why is my need to see him so strong that every day
when I'm driving home from work, I HAVE to
drive by his house or I go crazy?
I've never even seen him when I drive by,
this doesn't make sense!

It's so dumb.
He told me in February, when we decided to
never get back together,
that it would be painful to talk to me or see me again.
That's basically the only thing holding me back.
I don't want to hurt him.
Would it be crazy if I asked to see him one more time 
before he leaves on his mission?
I need actual feedback on this one... so, anyone out there
who knows how to get here and reads this, 
penny for your thoughts?