Monday, October 17, 2011

Why is it the happiest moments in life bring tears?

This will be a fairly short post, but it was one of the happiest moments of the past week.
I was driving with my family up to take my dinky little blue car to the mechanic because it has issues, and I was reading "Charly" by Jack Weyland, which is a very cute novel. It isn't very long, and could easily be a very long book, but it was cute. Anyway, while I was reading it, I stopped for a minute and Nick crossed my mind, and suddenly my phone started to buzz. I picked it up, and it was a number I didn't recognize, but I semi-recognized the first three digits, so I answered.
It was Nick!
(He hasn't gone into the MTC yet, he's still at home.)
I didn't know it was him at first, but after a few seconds of listening to his voice, I audibly gasped and said "HIII!!!" probably a little too enthusiastically...
One of the first things he told me was that he misses me
In the middle of our conversation, he said "K, listen really closely, alright?" and I said "ok..?" then I heard this automated voice, and it was saying pick-up lines!
How funny is that!?
There was the "Are you tired? Cuz you've been running through my mind all day long." And "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" and other cheesy ones like that, but I couldn't help but laugh and feel fuzzy inside. It was cute.
He also asked me to make sure I have my address on my first letter, and I said "I will, i'll probably send it on all the letters, just in case."
We talked for probably 20-30 minutes, then he got really quiet, and i said "you're awfully quiet." and he said "yeah, I know."
I asked him what he was thinking about.
He said "Stuff."
At that point, I knew I shouldn't press the matter cuz the last time he told me something that he was keeping secret from me before, he avoided me for two weeks afterward.
When it came time to say goodbye, it almost sounded like he was getting choked up, which then made ME get choked up! We said goodbye in an un-teary manner though, which was probably a good thing, and he told me he's going to call me tomorrow night.
I really hope I don't cry..
I really really hope I don't cry......
I might get one more phone call from him after tomorrow, depending on if he's allowed to call me from the airport or not. He said that if it's not allowed, he's not going to break the rules, and apologized.
I said "Don't. I don't want you to break the rules."
That was the extent of our conversation, which was very sweet and I'm feeling very excessively happy, but on the brink of tears at the same time. Don't ask me how that works.

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