Monday, July 30, 2012

Dating is spelled R-e-t-a-r-d-e-d

So, I talked to Ty again today, just to figure out what we thought we should do about our situation.
He called me, and we talked about everything, and of course, he wanted me to tell my view of it first.
I had prayed about it a lot, and what I thought was the best thing to do was, if we see each other at all, that it should be at a bare minimum, if at all.
He said what he thought of it was that if we spend lots of time, he would fall for me again.
I guess he really really likes spending time with me, more than a lot of people.
It's flattering, but at the same time, slightly alarming.
I understood what he meant though. Just because of our past, if we were to spend a lot of time together, we would eventually miss what we had, and go back to what was going on before. Which, if I felt he and I would eventually be together, that wouldn't be a problem. But I already know it's not him.
And, honestly, I'm ok with that.
Which is really weird for me to say, because for the longest time, I was sure that he was the one, but now I know he's not. Even though he is a very good guy, and he has become very much a man within the past few months, he's still not the one for me.
At least, I'm more than sure that he isn't. 
It's such a weird sensation, feeling almost as if I already know who it is that's meant for me, but I still need to grow.  
Although, hopefully that growth doesn't involve dating.
Because I'm sick of it.
I'm sick of Jason being a dork. 
I've decided I'm done with him, and any other guys I meet at Institute, or any other social events put on by the church.
That's the only reason they do big gatherings for Young Single Adults, to get us to socialize and pair off and get married.
I'm perfectly fine where I am, I don't need any extra drama of people trying to find marriage partners.
I still need to write Nick back. He wrote me the week before I went to Girls Camp. I should probably do that. That's the nice thing about him not being here, hehe. I don't have to deal with the drama of that.
Why is dating so dramatic? 
Marriage is just as dramatic.
Does it ever end?
Why is the most important reason for us to come down to earth also have to be the most frustrating?
Thank you Satan.
Get out of my love life.

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