Thursday, January 21, 2010

Could it be?

Last school year, in may, one of my friends, we'll call her Trisha, ended a once-in-a-lifetime relationship with her boyfriend. Or, correctly, he ended it, because, get this, while they were dating, she'd been crushing on and flirting like heck with like, 5 other guys, and she'd always tell him every detail to make him jealous. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore, so he ended it. I hadn't heard his end of the story, so I was going off of only what Trisha had told me, which was "he was treating me like crap, and he cheated on me, so I broke up with him."
About a month later, he, we'll call him Larry, told me the story from his perspective, which was much more believable than hers, because I'd witnessed some of the things he mentioned in his version of the story, and I'd never known him to tell a lie. He would text me every now and again on his sister's phone, to check up on Trisha, because he was still concerned about how she was doing. How's that for devotion? So, gradually, the conversations between me and him drifted away from Trisha, and grew more into friendly conversations. He had another girlfriend at the time, which he told me about sometimes, but within a week after we'd been talking, he'd broken up with her, just because they were very different.
Over the summer, I was working at the city pool as a lifeguard, and sadly, he didn't come and see ever, but I excused him for that, since we lived in different cities. I will admit, I had started to have a crush on him, and yes, behind Trisha's back...I knew I was gonna get it bad once she found out, but I'd done pretty good at keeping it under the radar for nearly 3 months. None of her friends even knew. I didn't trust anyone with the secret, for fear that Trisha would find out through one of her friends. I would rather prefer that she hear it from me, and not them.
However, during the summer, I did see him a few times. The first time, I could have sworn my head was going to explode. He'd invited me over to his house to watch a horror movie with him and some friends, and I hastily agreed, and on the way over to his house, I was a total wreck. I wouldn't stop applying lipgloss and more mascara. It was a nightmare.
The movie itself was absolutely terrible, but it scared the living daylights out of me, so afterward, we watched Hot-Rod to lighten the mood. He sat on the couch next to me, and the whole time, my head was floating on marshmallow clouds. He asked me a question, sometime during the movie, but it went in one ear and out the other, and I had to ask him to repeat it twice before I actually got it, and I didn't even know the answer. That was embarrassing.
So, yes, I was now crushing on my best friend's ex-boyfriend. Go ahead, label me as the world's biggest backstabber, but she'd messed up her relationship with him, so I felt no guilt whatsoever in attaching myself to him. Who knows, maybe he's the one?

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