Thursday, January 14, 2010

What Isn't a Prince Charming.....

Over the years, I have met many of the male species, and many times have been gravely disappointed. Everyone knows how in Jr. High, it's like, mandatory to have at least one boyfriend. I had two, and ohhhhh boy was that a mistake.....
My first boyfriend was a guy named, well, we'll call him J.T. Anywho, it was just after we'd gotten done with the first school play of the year, Robin Hood. He played Friar Tuck. I was a "Merry Woman." He told me at school one day that he'd had a crush on me for the longest time. (Mind you, I was 12, and had only been exposed to one year of public school before this. I had NO IDEA WHAT TO YOU about it, cuz give me a break, even in 6th grade, I still believed that guys had cooties. So, he and I decided to "go out." *What a lame term* and anyway, that went on for about a month, and my conscience got to me, and I realized he was a complete weenie so I dumped him.
Funny thing happened though. While I was still technically dating him, we went to a murder mystery party, and afterward, when I had left, my friend (who had secretly had a crush on him for EVER)decided she was gonna have her own little sweet time with him. They went to a park and played on the playground and shared a pixi stick. No big deal. At least not to me. She however, came up to me the following day at school in a total MELTDOWN. I couldn't tell if she was crying or laughing or whatever, but she said "Jrdnn'Isuredapigzisticnwentoaparkafderyewlefft. I'm sorry..." I kid you not, the first sentence was just like that. So, I finally got it out of her that they'd SHARED A PIXI STICK AND WENT TO A PARK and I was totally fine with it. har har. At the end of the year, I dumped him cuz we went to a party and he was a total jerk, and he'd been acting like it was my responsibility to make him happy. yeah, not gonna happen! So I dumped him, but blamed it on my mom.
My next "boyfriend" shouldn't even count cuz it was only for three days. He asked me out, and on the second day, tried to get me to kiss him, so the next day, I dumped him. End of story.
In short, that's what doesn't fit the category of "my prince charming." No boyfriends in Jr. High. It's not a good idea.....

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