Monday, January 18, 2010


There was a time when I thought myself to be very much in love with this guy at my school. He shall remain nameless. This was last year, during my sophomore year. I hardly knew the guy at all, till my friend introduced me to him, but even then I didn't care that much for him. He was just there. Then, one evening, me and a bunch of friends went to a local theater to watch the latest play that was showing. He was there, and I ended up sitting next to him. It surprised me that he wanted to sit next to me, and half-way through the first act, he reached over and took my hand.
"Oh my gosh!" I thought. "What the heck?" THAT'S why he wanted to sit next to me. But what the heck? He'd barely even said two words me. During intermission, he didn't say a word to me. Second act, he held my hand again. I was soooooooo confused. When I got home, I got a message from a number I didn't recognize, and it was him. He apologized for if he freaked me out, then spilled his guts out that I was so pretty and he had the huge crush on me, yada yada yada. I was flattered, in short, but I was still a little freaked. Eventually I got over that, and I returned his affection. It went good for about 3 months, then he started acting weird, and for 3 more months, I tried to hold our relationship together, until my friend who'd introduced me to him told me that he'd been STEADY DATING a girl ever since before he even told me that he liked me. Jerk! It was pretty much over then. But boy, it hurt. Like nothing on the face of the planet. I had secretly written a song for him, about him, and I had planned to show it to him, but as soon as I heard that he'd been leading me on the whole time, that plan went totally down the toilet and clogged it. First heartbreak of a lifetime. Hopefully the last.

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