Monday, January 25, 2010

The truth about most guys.....

I think we can come up with about a million answers to that. I came up with another answer for my laundry list of answers today, before school started. I was sitting next to my friend, we'll call him Red, cuz he's a ginger, and anyway, I was sitting next to him, and this dude comes up, and he's got bruises all up and down the sides of his neck. I'm just thinking "holy hera. please tell me those aren't hickeys." and thank heaven I wasn't really paying attention to when he was telling Red about him and his girlfriend, or ex-girlfriend, I don't even know, but anyway, he was saying that they'd had an "amazing Saturday," and was telling Red how this girl had given him all the ones on his neck, then apparently she gave him more all over his back. weeeiiiirrd. That's MY opinion of it anyway. Plus, he was all like "it felt so good." I really hate that statement. Anyway, guys in general are just weird, for the most part.
Sometime, eventually, I'll write about my first lovely kiss ^_^

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