Monday, December 19, 2011


Ok, so, for the past few weeks, I don't know if I've posted anything about it before, but Nathan (if you remember him from before) has been asking me constantly, and i mean CONSTANTLY if I'd be ok with him kissing me.
The first time he mentioned it, I wanted to scream at him!  
The hard thing is... lately, I've had this weird feeling.. the feeling of wanting to be kissed by someone, almost to the point of not caring who the heck it is.  Just, you know, somebody! But, I've managed to keep myself sane and logical enough to realize that's a really stupid idea.  It's still been really hard, and in fact, it keeps getting harder.  But, I'm not gonna be one of those lip sluts that goes around kissing everybody.  
Because, unlike some people, I believe a kiss is something that is special.  It's a commitment of love to the person you choose to give it to.  Not quite so sacred as those divine powers given to us to be able to create life, but it's the precursor.  It helps you find the one that you can share the rest of your life with.  But that doesn't mean you have to try it out on everything that walks on two legs. (And is of the opposite gender, please.)
That's one thing I've seen more and more in this world.  A lack of commitment. Everyone just watches out for themselves, and if something isn't their definition of "good for me", they leave it behind in the dust.
Wake up call!
There are gonna be lots of things in life that won't necessarily be your definition of "good for me." But that's the whole point of the whole concept of "endure to the end."  It means stick it out through the hard times, because you'll get kicked and beaten down sometimes, but stand back up and face it.  
This world has too many cowards as it is. 
Don't be one of them.

1 comment:

  1. I'm in the same boat, love. I like to call it "in love with being in love" but WE SHALL STAND TALL!!! I believe in you!
