Friday, December 30, 2011

I can't think of a title...

So, I figured as my last post, I mentioned how I was gonna go hang out with Peter, and I was kinda nervous about it, I should tell you how it went.
It went very well.
In fact, we've been hanging out every day this week because he's just sooo fun to be around! It's so easy to talk to him, and be myself, because, I've admitted it many times:
I am a nerd.
So is he.
Yesterday, we watched Star Wars III and VI.
Probably like, the best movie night ever, because Star Wars rocks :) 
Plus, I've kind of decided to start collecting superhero t-shirts, and he told me later that I shouldn't have told him that, because he's started adding to my collection already.
So, I have Superman, Batman, Captain America, and now the Green Lantern.
I'm pretty excited! 
We'll see how many I have when I'm done.
Haha I think it could be a pretty awesome hobby.
So, yeah, he's been a super awesome friend, and he's a good cuddle-buddy too...
I don't think anything romantic will happen between us, but that's ok.
I am kind of sad for him though.. 
He had the biggest crush on this girl up here, she was his first kiss, and he used to talk about her all the time, but now she's dating someone else because I guess he freaked her out because he's a really big flirt.. 
But he told me that he's ok with it, because "she wanted more than he was willing to give (physically)" 

It does make me a little nervous though, because a couple days ago, when I was with him, he was filling out one of those "100 things about me!" survey thingys, and the question was "do you have a crush on someone?" and I couldn't quite hear what he said, but from where I was, it sounded like "Yes," but I'm not sure...
Even moreso, I don't know who he would be talking about unless it was me...

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