Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My Future Husband

I haven't read my Aunt's blog in a long time, but I was just looking through it earlier today, and some of her posts about her married life with her family are just hilarious.  I credit it to the fact that most of them have severe A.D.D, or at least we all think they do.
My aunt, by the way, is a hilarious woman who can come up with the randomest comments/sudden reactions out of anyone on the planet. For example: 4th of July...2 years ago, I think. Nope, it was the 3rd, because we had gone to watch the hot air balloon liftoff.  We had gone back to my Grandma's house to have breakfast, and I crashed on the couch, exhausted and grouchy.  My aunt sees me slumbering peacefully and immediately strolls right over to me and sits on my head.  
I don't remember any of this.  Thank heaven I'm a heavy sleeper.
Anyway, I was reading a couple posts from her blog. These ones: 
in particular, are my favorite.  The little banters between her and my ever-patient uncle are remarkably hilarious and just plain old make me burst into laughter at any insignificant moment.  
I will admit, it's a little hard to imagine my uncle saying half of these things in this blog, because he rarely ever opens his mouth at family parties.  He just sits in the big rocking chair and watches all of us, most of the time.  Not in a creeper-ish way, in an "I can't hear anything anyone's saying, so I'm just going to keep quiet."
He's half-deaf.
Anyway, reading these posts have made me re-think what I want my married life to be like.  I definitely want mine to be fun and full of adventures with my life-long-companion of my choosing.  Even if those adventures include cussing at each other and throwing pillows and "superman"ing off the bed trying to save his life.  
Sure, I want my marriage to be one where my spouse and I respect each other, but a relationship where everything has to be prudent and perfect and practical is BORING!
Relax, I'm not getting married.
Not yet.
I don't intend on taking that step for a loooong time.  Not nearly ready enough. 
But, I am getting more of an idea of what I want in my future life, and what I want in my future husband.

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