Sunday, December 9, 2012

Knew this was coming too.

So, I went in for my final bishop's interview tonight for my mission. 
It was really great, and he thinks I'm totally ready, 
but when he asked me if there was anything I wanted to talk about, 
I decided to tell him about what happened with Fidget, with the mission thing.
One of the first things he said was that it's probably a good idea to 
stay away from him..
I was kind of expecting him to say that, but now that I'm pretty much
a missionary, I have to be so much more careful about who I hang around
because I know the Adversary is going to send everything he's got at me
to keep me from going.
Including Fidget. 
Cuz, I'll admit, sometimes he is a bit of a temptation..
But now I don't know what to do! 
I didn't talk to him at all today, until tonight, I got on Facebook and he
was on and after like, half an hour, he started talking to me. 
We had a good talk, but then we started kinda bantering about vacations,
because he was like "people need vacations, cuz otherwise life gets too
And my response to that was "I don't think so. I think people just spoil 
themselves because they think they can't handle it but really they can."
He seemed kind of upset at that comment, but then we just went back and forth
about whether vacations were actually worthwhile or not, cuz he was 
saying he needs another one after this one because he was "working the
whole time."
But yeah, while we were 'arguing' about it, he was like 
"Hehe are we flirting? Cuz I like it a lot."
I didn't say anything because I mean, come one, I'm trying to pull away
now, I can't egg him on.. 
And when he had to leave, when he said "love you", 
I didn't say it back... 
I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do about it, because
I have to let him know that I can't do the dating thing anymore, but I 
want to try to do it as nicely as possible.

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