Wednesday, December 26, 2012

"I miss my missionary"?

There's a Facebook group titled that.
What the heck.
I don't really know how to express how I feel about that.
I think it's kind of pathetic, honestly...
For one, it's stupid to wait for a missionary in general. 
I told Nick I'm not waiting for him, and I haven't been.
I dated Fidget, after all.
But, it didn't work out.  
So what?
There's even a blog called "waiting for an LDS missionary"
and it had this thing on it that was all about advice to give to girls
that are waiting for a missionary.
One of the things it said for the missionary was "Write to her at least once a week."
At least?
Their focus needs to be on the Work.
Not on their little girlyfriend that they left at home.
If it's right, it'll work out.
There doesn't need to be any of this 
"But I'm sure he's the right one, I need to wait."
Most of the time, you're wrong.
If he's the right one, good for you.
I hope you're right.
I don't know, it's kind of a foggy subject in the church. 
Everyone has different opinions about it.
Well, that's mine.

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