Saturday, May 23, 2015

Catching Up Post #1

So, going back like, 3 weeks ago, I was leaving to go to Tennessee to visit my parents.  Before I left, it was my last Sunday, and I was so ticked at Cade because he still was dragging his feet, and was pretty consistently flaking out on me. He showed up at my house unexpectedly, so we sat in the kitchen for a while and talked. During said talk, I opened up about my feelings of frustration concerning his lack of ability to commit. I felt bad even saying it, even though it had to be said, so I freaking started crying while I was talking. And then he started crying, so then it was just a big cry-fest.
He did say though, that he felt he didn't quite understand just how hard it was for me to be in the "limbo" phase - dating other guys, but having my heart completely set on Cade - so he said that after me saying it, and crying, that he understood it a lot more. And now that he knew what the problem was, he went into "fix-it" mode.
"Ok, when you get back, things are going to be different." So I was like "alright", and that was basically our good-bye.
It was incredible though, while I was on my trip, he was so attentive and would talk to me all the time, even though he was 5 hours behind me. (He and his family went to Hawaii while I was gone.) I was thoroughly impressed by his extra efforts to stay in touch.
I'll take a break here until the next post. I have a lot to catch up on.

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