Monday, November 15, 2010


So....last week was Sadies. In a way it could've been an absolute FAILURE, but i'm trying to see it in a positive way. Basically, this was the first time that "larry" was gonna meet my friends, and he was a little too quiet, even for him and his shyness. But anyways, the best part of the story was after the day date, and continuing on after that. I was so nervous about introducing him to my friends that I was totally out of it for most of the day, that when i was driving him home from the day date, I ran a stop sign...
After that, he kept accusing me of trying to kill him. TEASING, of course, but still, i was in no mood to put up with it. After the dance, he and I went back to his house to get him the pain meds he needed for his head because of his blasted concussion, and i was having a minor allergic reaction to my friend's dog and he decided it'd be a wise decision to give me some benedryl.
(Note: I've never had to take Benedryl before, so I have no idea what it does or anything. I don't take pills for pretty much anything.)
When he gave me the pills, he said "i don't wanna give you too many cuz I don't wanna totally drug you" and I didn't interpret it the way he meant it, which was "I don't wanna completely knock you out, but these will make you drowsy"
Anyways, so we drove back up to where we were supposed to meet my friends, but we didn't see any of them up there, so we went to my house for a minute, then i had to drive him home, and as we sat in my car, i was getting SUUUUPER tired and kept almost falling asleep.
"What's wrong with me?" I half asked myself, and half asked him.
"It's the Benedryl. It makes you drowsy."
Dramatic silence.
Me: "......what?"
"I told you that. I said I didn't wanna give you too many and totally drug you."
"Well I didn't know you meant it THAT way! You drugged me!"
"I did not!"
"did too!"
"Well you tried to kill me!"
(Note: we were completely joking and teasing this whole time, because I had run the stop sign, and he had given me unknown drugs(for me anyways))
"That was on total accident! You drugged me!"
"When you put it that way, it sounds so much worse..."
"Exactly, so stop saying I tried to kill you cuz i DIDN'T, or i'll tell everyone that you drugged me"
haha lets just say I won that arguement.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Be Humble

Note to self: Guys aren't perfect, and NEITHER ARE YOU!!!
This is the painful, but needed lesson I learned today. I'm still "with" Larry, and yesterday I went over to his house, and we sorta watched "how to train your dragon" but for the most part we just cuddled on the couch, a little too extensively perhaps, and it kinda bugged me, because I don't really think that God approves of that kind of behavior in kids my age. And yeah, I believe in God, get over it if you object. It's awesome.
Anyways, here's the gist of what I had to learn today. That whole thing that most girls tend to think, and that we're told so often is that if a guy doesn't treat us perfectly the first time, he's not worth our time, at least this is my thinking: it's totally unrealistic! I mean for crying out loud, this is real life, not Twilight. He's gonna say stupid stuff that's gonna hurt your feelings, and if you hurt his feelings, he's probably not gonna just be like "it's fine, don't worry, you're perfect." No, he's gonna react like any other human being, and be offended for a little while. Anyways, that's a tiny bit beside the point. So, from hanging out yesterday, to this morning, I kinda laid it on hard that I didn't wanna do that kinda stuff anymore, and I expected him to just be like "ok, you're right," not considering that he's perhaps like any other GUY and asking things like that of guys is VERY hard for them because they already have pretty low control over their hormones. If you didn't know that already, you'd better figure it out fast. Anyways, as I should've expected, he was kinda shocked by it and I could tell he wasn't very happy and I felt kinda bad but I didn't think it was because I had done anything wrong. No, not ME. Never. So then began our LOOOOONG discussion. At first, before I went to my lovely, wonderful, LDS church, I was almost expecting him to say "I've had all I can take, we need to end this." so I felt awful and sick, and at the same time I felt awful for the day before because I felt I had disappointed God again, which I feel like constantly. When I got to church, I was surprised to find that, in testimony meeting, most of what people bore their testimonies about was that God loves us no matter what and that praying can help us in our trials and such. And also, the Sacrament hymn we sang today made me bawl because it had the same message, that even if you mess up, He forgives you no matter what if you'll just come to Him with a broken heart and contrite spirit. In this case, I definitely was. In a short while, I felt so much better, and I felt God's love for me so strongly that I started to cry. When I got out of church, 'Larry' and I continued our discussion and most of what we talked about was about how I felt terrible, then he asked me what feeling bad would get me, and I admitted that it wouldn't get me anywhere. Then, he said this, and I quote:
"So don't feel bad, I'm the only one who should feel bad. I've forced your hand and put you in this situation. All I seem to do is make you feel guilty about everything, and this happens all the time, so i am a negative influence on you. All I can do is submit in order to make you better, so that's all I will do. I'm terrified for you and I feel like I'm losing you, I don't know how to stop it, so I'll do what I can, regardless of how I may feel about it. I'm at my whits end and I feel lost, kinda just floating through life. So yeah, don't end up like me. Keep your head on straight, and it'll work for you."
That pretty much scared me to death, but I started to feel like if I just talked to him, that he'd come out of it and feel better, and I started to dig deeper inside myself. Later, I told him that maybe it'd be better if, instead of doing things how we normally do when we hang out, if we like, read scriptures or something "uplifting" and his response was
"_________, you're very beyond me... I read my scriptures 2x a day, both the BoM and the Old Testament, I pray before and after and I'm trying to do what I can, but you want more of yourself and me... and now I feel like I'm not even remotely what you need in a guy, it almost feels as if you need someone much better, with everything... Because I can only give so much before I lose everything I am and I'm reaching that point faster than I thought I ever could. Quite frankly, I'm just not good enough for you, and I'm being 110 percent serious on that."
My response to that was :
"No, I'm expecting too much of you, and not appreciating what you are. I'm sorry... That's my other big folly, I'm quite judgmental myself.. You're trying so hard to be what I want you to be but it's still never quite enough because there are things in my life that I really need to fix, but I've been so proud and selfish that it's been nothing but hindering to my progress and ability to see things clearly."
And that was completely true. I've been putting myself before others, which i KNOW i shouldn't, because I have a dear friend at school who I haven't been getting along with greatly, and I can tell it's really starting to effect me. Because I've been looking at her as a stuck-up, controlling person, i'm starting to see everyone ELSE that way too... not a good thing. But he was very sweet in his response. Just to catch you up on the latest little tidbits, he's given me a nickname, and it's Teddy.
"Teddy, I love you, and I want to be everything for you. You are my beautiful angel and have helped me through so much, but give me time to achieve what you want, and I mean real time, not hours or days or weeks, but quite possibly years. It's very very very hard for me..."
If that's not the deepest sentiment of dedication, then I dunno what is... What kind of normal guy ADMITS to having flaws, and then tries his hardest to do better? not a lot of them do that. I think I've got it pretty good. So then, we kept talking like that, and I admitted what exactly it was I felt I needed to work on to get myself on the right track in every aspect of my life, and he admitted some of his personal follies. Then he said he needed to go to bed because he'd already taken his sleeping pills and they were kicking in pretty good. so I said good night and gave a big long, gushy statement about how I was gonna try to do better at everything I said I would, then came HIS sentiment.
"Teddy, I feel better just to let you know, I feel I've kept that on me just for a bit longer than I should have and now it's out and I guess you can say I feel at peace, but I want you to know that no matter the struggles we have, you'll always always always be the number one person in my life on this earth, and I'm always willing to do what I can in order to make you better, I love you, Teddy, you truely are the girl that can hold my heart and know what to do with it, and you do have my trust just to let you know. I believe in you. Go to sleep soon and wake up rested. goodnight love, have the sweetest of dreams."

Let me just add that I think this is the most he's EVER spoken at one time. So I added in a last little comment about it before I officially said good night :)

Now let me add in a few last little details. What I really learned was that, yes, I am a VERY impatient person. I expect results NOW, and I know I need to quit that, because a lot of the time, that's not how it works. It's probably because III work that way, so I just kinda figure that everyone else does too. The more I think about it and really accept my own shortcomings, the more I realize I sound like the people that III get so frustrated at, and look at ME! I'm doing the same thing! just in a different way. So there's that. I need to really try to better myself before I go judging people, cuz that's not my place. and now I can think of a few people that I need to apologize to for being insensitive or a jerk to. But, I'm not gonna let it totally get me down. I'm gonna deal with it the way it is. I feel this will be sort of a turning point in my relationship with 'Larry' but in a good way, because we're both aiming on making ourselves much better people, and more valiant children of God. The end.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Got Stress?

It's been quite a while since I last wrote. I'm still with "larry" and something happened last week that is just killin me. Nothin to make me wanna leave, or him wanna leave, it's just hard. He got a concussion during his football game while I was in Cedar City for the annual Shakespearean festival. I was in my hotel room with my roommates when I got the text from his sister. The front of my phone showed the beginning the message and what it showed said "Hey, ____ got hit..." soooo......i pretty much went catatonic, thinking she meant that he'd been hit by a CAR. I freaked out and i couldn't get enough breath in my lungs and I was pretty much glued to my phone, waiting to hear what was going on since i had NO communication with them otherwise, being three freaking hours away. From what I heard, they had rushed him to the ER and had a CAT scan done to see if there was any lasting damage done. At about 12:30, I dozed off and had to endure a full day of him being completely out of his mind, with nothing that I could do about it, which drove me completely insane. if I could've had my way, I'd've been up at his house, taking care of him all day. The entire day, I could tell I was becoming physically, emotionally, and mentally sick. I felt queasy, no matter what I put in my stomach, I couldn't balance (I have no idea why that happens, but when I get very stressed out, my equilibrium gets whacked) and I felt faint. When we finally got home at about 1 in the morning on Sunday, I went straight to bed, falling asleep immediately, and when I woke up, I texted him, asking if he knew where I was the day before, and he couldn't remember, so I told him I'd been in Cedar, then I asked him if he remembered when I left, and he couldn't remember that either... I freaked again. I wanted to go and see him but I had church, and it was Sunday...I didn't know if my mom would even let me go. I decided to ask anyway. To my surprise, she let me go, and I went over as soon as dinner was over. I had been having spells of crying all afternoon, to my great embarrassment, but my mom was very calm and told me something of great value. at least to me anyway. she said that she actually believes that I love him, and don't just like him. Took her long enough haha. I've been telling him that I love him for a year..
Anyways, I went over to his house and the sight that met my eyes will be a scar for life. He was lying on his bed, under the quilt his grandma had made him for Christmas the year before, and his expression was completely blank. Something I had never seen before. It was as though he was in there, the real him, but it was lost somewhere in the deep caverns of his mind and didn't know how to find it's way back to the surface. He blinked when I came into the room but never said a word. His earbuds were in his ears and I heard the low hum of the jazzy tunes he was listening to. I sat on the edge of his bed and took his hand in mine. Still, he didn't say anything, but just sat there and stared at me for a while. I couldn't stand to look at his face, and turned away for a moment, tears seeping from my eyes again. I started to wipe them away when he noticed and asked me why I was crying. I told him that I was just scared. Scared of losing the connection to the one I loved so dearly to the injury caused by a cheap shot by an offensive center during a football game... I didn't tell him THAT part though... He said simply that nobody else had cried so he didn't understand why I was. Of course, I took slight offense and embarrassment to the comment, but nodded and said nothing. He was pretty off his rocker, so I pardoned the insensitivity. But it sparked a new fear in me. He had always been so sensitive and helpful about my emotional insecurity, I was now afraid of losing that side of him and having to fight out my battles completely by myself without having a best friend who didn't care if I smudged black all over the shoulder seam of his shirt.
For the next couple hours, I read to him from "Tennis Shoes Among The Nephites", a book I'd been bugging him to read for a really long time, but he'd never gotten around to it. It was my favorite series, so I wanted him to know why it was my favorite. Seeing this as a grand opportunity, I read the first 3 chapters to him. The first two chapters, when I had asked if he would like me to go on, received a simple shrug, and a "i dunno" but when I asked if he'd like me to read the 3rd chapter, he actually said "yeah." which was progress. After reading, I talked to him for a while, and asked if he remembered certain things from the day, like, if he remembered me telling him I loved him a couple hours before. He said that he did. Again, progress, but I still felt like he was lost somewhere in his head. I came home around 10, and went to bed a little while later, waking up late for school (today) and lazily dragging myself out of bed. I still couldn't balance, and I felt faint and light-headed. Throughout the schoolday, friends asked me over and over again why I looked so pale and stoic, but I never really answered. However, at lunch, one of my graduate friends came to visit and I had already been talking over my problem with a couple very persuasive friends in the student center. She came and asked me to tell her what was going on, and when I got to the middle of my explanation, of when I went to his house, tears erupted out my eyes and I curled my knees to my chest for a minute and bawled. I usually try to not make noise when I cry, but this time, I didn't give a rat's rump about it. Ending the school day was a relief, and I went home, feeling drained and fatigued of sleep and energy. I was determined to not go to sleep though. I wanted to go and see him again, and read some more. To my gladness, he remembered that I had been there the day before, AND that i had read to him, and he even remembered what I had read.
When I went over today, he was actually up and moving around, and using more words and phrases other than "no" "i dunno" and "my head hurts" which relieved me greatly. I read him another chapter from Tennis Shoes but I had to go home at 7 so it was cut short... I intend on going to see him every day until he's better. or at least, I'm hoping to. That's that story. I'm gonna try really hard to keep up to date with this thing. No promises though, cuz I really don't spend that much time on the computer.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I never realized that going without a phone for more than a couple weeks could be so "refreshing" and yet so tantalizing at the same time...I'm pretty much dying without getting to talk to "Larry." He and I have talked every day for at least an hour for more than a year. In short, this is very different, and it SUCKS very much... Doesn't help that my parents are getting paranoid about me and him so they're limiting how often I can see him, which also SUCKS...
In just sucks.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Kodak Moment! Be Jealous!

I had the CUTEST moment with the guy of my dreams last week. I was having a really bad day cuz I had had a bad day the day before because I felt inadequate to a lot of other girls cuz my hair isn't as perfect, my face shape is kinda round, my hand-writing sucks (seriously) and yeah, I could go on. But anyway, later that night, he and I had had a fight over which school he was going to transfer to. It didn't end well. I was supposed to go over to his house the day after to have his mom show us how to make really good cinnamon rolls. (They were delicious, by the way.) We agreed that we wouldn't talk about him transferring at all that day and that we'd just forget about it and spend the day together. (Already pretty cute, huh?)
I went over to his house the next day, and that day was worse than the day before because I had gotten a job opportunity at the pool near my house and I didn't get the job and I DESPERATELY needed it. I was pretty much heartbroken. He was concerned about this, and wanted to make sure I was happy. When I first got to his house, his mom was working on some sewing project so we went downstairs and watched 50 First Dates, which I thought was funny, but it was also really nasty at some points. Not funny.
After his mom had showed us how to make cinnamon rolls, we went back downstairs and were watching this movie about the ocean. *interesting.....* His little sister came down and he told her to use his phone to text his OLDER sister and see when she'd be home. After she did, she wouldn't give his phone back, and I wanted to get it before he did so I told her to give it to me, but then he wouldn't let go of me, so we kind of wrestled, which was funny, cuz he was trying to keep me down the whole time so I couldn't get his phone and I was trying to get out of his grip (which is freakin HULKISH by the way).
I won.
After that, we went up to get food then came back down and were watchin some other movie when his older sister came down and was bein a jerk. She was like "come move my TV for me." without even asking, then when he wouldn't, she started to hit him, and she stole his phone and sent this stupid message saying "i'm a retard never talk to me again" to all of his contacts in his phone. She's 18 years old. Immature much? Sheesh. So then, she brought up the dreaded subject: Him transferring. Instantly I started feeling like I was gonna cry. I wanted to get away from his sister.
"Can we go outside?" I asked, even though it was raining. He looked at me with alarm etched in his expression. He knew exactly what was gonna happen. He handed me his jacket, and we went out in the rain. His sister left to go to the store, so we just stood there for a minute.
"Are you ok?" He asked, approaching me. "You went from yea happy," *stretches out his arms* "to yea happy." *shrinks them to just a few inches apart*
"Your sister brought up the subject that we were trying to avoid today." I said quietly. I had no idea I could talk so quietly.
"Ah." He said, pulling me into an embrace. "Do you want to go sit in the car?"
"Yeah." I said, and we went to the SUV in the driveway. He opened the door for me and I got in, sliding to the middle. He followed, sitting on the edge seat. *Yes, we were sitting in the back seat. I wanted to cuddle up to him*
We continued talking, and I can't remember what was said except for that he said something like "I'll always be yours. You know that, right?" And I said "Well, yeah, I just -." Then my voice broke and the tears flowed.
As soon as my voice broke, his arms wrapped tenderly around me and he pulled me into his chest, gently whispering "Shhh, it's alright, Sweetheart" in my ear.
My chest heaved as I tried to keep the unattractive sounds of crying to a minimum, therefore it just came out as choked, shuddered gasps. He stroked my hair and briskly rubbed my back as I sat there, curled up against him. I calmed down for a minute, then he said something else that got me started again just cuz I was feelin so sensitive at that moment, and again, he wrapped me in his arms, saying "It's ok, don't cry." Shortly afterward, his sister came home again, and he took me home.
Talk about a Kodak moment :)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I don't think I spelled that right. But who cares..?
This is gonna be a short post because I have a life that is extremely busy at the moment, and my body is trying to die. Not really. Yes about the very busy part. But basically, the guy I was talkin about in my post earlier, the one that "Trishia" was dating that I fell madly in love with; he and I went out for four months, then, because we were getting too serious too fast, I broke it off, and boy, he was not happy about it at first, as all guys are. But I was determined not to lose him forever, so, even though it just about broke my heart to have him actually mad at me for the first time since I met him, I didn't break our communication and eventually we fixed things. We're not back together, but we still love each other just as much, and we hang out still, so yeah, I'll give a more detailed description of everything in a later post.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Anger Management

Soooo.......this doesn't relate at all to my Prince Charming search. Well, it kinda does. I'll explain that first. Basically, I don't think I'll EVER understand how concerned my best guy friend/ex boyfriend is about me and my well-being. Hence the reason why I have a ginormous bruise on my hand, from my own stupid decision.
I was in my Finance class, and suddenly, my phone goes off. so of course, teacher comes up "give it to me" "Fine" end of subject. He TAPES IT UP, and gives it to the front office. I'm already pretty pissed. So, I go out of class once we're allowed to leave, and go to my locker to put my backpack away. I shove it in my locker, I'm still really pissed off, and as soon as I shut my locker, almost without thinking, suddenly *WHAM* I turned around around and punched my locker as hard as I could, although almost immediately shaking my hand like crazy and going "oh my gosh, ow" My pinky knuckle swelled up about double it's normal size, and I went and ate lunch, hunky dory. Then, still feeling mad, I got up and went to my locker again, to get my book for guitar. I shut my locker once I got it, and was intending to hit it again, but there were too many people around, and I didn't want to draw attention to myself. So, I saw my friend at the end of the hall, and walked that direction, although I had no intention of talking to him. That's kind of a stupid plan, cuz as soon as he saw me, he says "hey, you ok? You look kinda mad" so I tell him the story, and he's telling me how it's nothing to be mad about, and I whack myself in the face with my guitar book, then, still feeling really pissed off, I turn around and punch the locker behind me, with the SAME hand I had did it with before earlier. The kids standing on the opposite side of the hall, I hear a couple of them go "holy cow" at how hard I hit that thing. my friend, however, wasn't happy, and grabbed my hand, looking over my now really really swollen knuckles. Anyway, once the bell rang, he told me I wasn't allowed to hit anything else, and I went to class, but I couldn't extend my fingers all the way cuz it hurt my knuckles. That was a drag. After class, I had to go get my phone from the office, and I had to talk to an administrator, and I basically just said "shove it, I don't care." in a nice way though. But either or, now I have a "record." And anyway, after that, I texted my best friend, who was my boyfriend a while back, and I told him the whole story, and he was REEEAAALLLLY not happy about how bruised my hand was. In fact, as we were talking about it, he said "you will never do it again. ever." it wasn't just a request, it was a COMMAND. He even admitted that. I was like, "wowza." Then he told me how he was disappointed that I didn't understand how deep his concern is, and I was like "yeah, i don't think I get it either...."

Monday, January 25, 2010

The truth about most guys.....

I think we can come up with about a million answers to that. I came up with another answer for my laundry list of answers today, before school started. I was sitting next to my friend, we'll call him Red, cuz he's a ginger, and anyway, I was sitting next to him, and this dude comes up, and he's got bruises all up and down the sides of his neck. I'm just thinking "holy hera. please tell me those aren't hickeys." and thank heaven I wasn't really paying attention to when he was telling Red about him and his girlfriend, or ex-girlfriend, I don't even know, but anyway, he was saying that they'd had an "amazing Saturday," and was telling Red how this girl had given him all the ones on his neck, then apparently she gave him more all over his back. weeeiiiirrd. That's MY opinion of it anyway. Plus, he was all like "it felt so good." I really hate that statement. Anyway, guys in general are just weird, for the most part.
Sometime, eventually, I'll write about my first lovely kiss ^_^

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Could it be?

Last school year, in may, one of my friends, we'll call her Trisha, ended a once-in-a-lifetime relationship with her boyfriend. Or, correctly, he ended it, because, get this, while they were dating, she'd been crushing on and flirting like heck with like, 5 other guys, and she'd always tell him every detail to make him jealous. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore, so he ended it. I hadn't heard his end of the story, so I was going off of only what Trisha had told me, which was "he was treating me like crap, and he cheated on me, so I broke up with him."
About a month later, he, we'll call him Larry, told me the story from his perspective, which was much more believable than hers, because I'd witnessed some of the things he mentioned in his version of the story, and I'd never known him to tell a lie. He would text me every now and again on his sister's phone, to check up on Trisha, because he was still concerned about how she was doing. How's that for devotion? So, gradually, the conversations between me and him drifted away from Trisha, and grew more into friendly conversations. He had another girlfriend at the time, which he told me about sometimes, but within a week after we'd been talking, he'd broken up with her, just because they were very different.
Over the summer, I was working at the city pool as a lifeguard, and sadly, he didn't come and see ever, but I excused him for that, since we lived in different cities. I will admit, I had started to have a crush on him, and yes, behind Trisha's back...I knew I was gonna get it bad once she found out, but I'd done pretty good at keeping it under the radar for nearly 3 months. None of her friends even knew. I didn't trust anyone with the secret, for fear that Trisha would find out through one of her friends. I would rather prefer that she hear it from me, and not them.
However, during the summer, I did see him a few times. The first time, I could have sworn my head was going to explode. He'd invited me over to his house to watch a horror movie with him and some friends, and I hastily agreed, and on the way over to his house, I was a total wreck. I wouldn't stop applying lipgloss and more mascara. It was a nightmare.
The movie itself was absolutely terrible, but it scared the living daylights out of me, so afterward, we watched Hot-Rod to lighten the mood. He sat on the couch next to me, and the whole time, my head was floating on marshmallow clouds. He asked me a question, sometime during the movie, but it went in one ear and out the other, and I had to ask him to repeat it twice before I actually got it, and I didn't even know the answer. That was embarrassing.
So, yes, I was now crushing on my best friend's ex-boyfriend. Go ahead, label me as the world's biggest backstabber, but she'd messed up her relationship with him, so I felt no guilt whatsoever in attaching myself to him. Who knows, maybe he's the one?

Monday, January 18, 2010


There was a time when I thought myself to be very much in love with this guy at my school. He shall remain nameless. This was last year, during my sophomore year. I hardly knew the guy at all, till my friend introduced me to him, but even then I didn't care that much for him. He was just there. Then, one evening, me and a bunch of friends went to a local theater to watch the latest play that was showing. He was there, and I ended up sitting next to him. It surprised me that he wanted to sit next to me, and half-way through the first act, he reached over and took my hand.
"Oh my gosh!" I thought. "What the heck?" THAT'S why he wanted to sit next to me. But what the heck? He'd barely even said two words me. During intermission, he didn't say a word to me. Second act, he held my hand again. I was soooooooo confused. When I got home, I got a message from a number I didn't recognize, and it was him. He apologized for if he freaked me out, then spilled his guts out that I was so pretty and he had the huge crush on me, yada yada yada. I was flattered, in short, but I was still a little freaked. Eventually I got over that, and I returned his affection. It went good for about 3 months, then he started acting weird, and for 3 more months, I tried to hold our relationship together, until my friend who'd introduced me to him told me that he'd been STEADY DATING a girl ever since before he even told me that he liked me. Jerk! It was pretty much over then. But boy, it hurt. Like nothing on the face of the planet. I had secretly written a song for him, about him, and I had planned to show it to him, but as soon as I heard that he'd been leading me on the whole time, that plan went totally down the toilet and clogged it. First heartbreak of a lifetime. Hopefully the last.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

What Isn't a Prince Charming.....

Over the years, I have met many of the male species, and many times have been gravely disappointed. Everyone knows how in Jr. High, it's like, mandatory to have at least one boyfriend. I had two, and ohhhhh boy was that a mistake.....
My first boyfriend was a guy named, well, we'll call him J.T. Anywho, it was just after we'd gotten done with the first school play of the year, Robin Hood. He played Friar Tuck. I was a "Merry Woman." He told me at school one day that he'd had a crush on me for the longest time. (Mind you, I was 12, and had only been exposed to one year of public school before this. I had NO IDEA WHAT TO YOU about it, cuz give me a break, even in 6th grade, I still believed that guys had cooties. So, he and I decided to "go out." *What a lame term* and anyway, that went on for about a month, and my conscience got to me, and I realized he was a complete weenie so I dumped him.
Funny thing happened though. While I was still technically dating him, we went to a murder mystery party, and afterward, when I had left, my friend (who had secretly had a crush on him for EVER)decided she was gonna have her own little sweet time with him. They went to a park and played on the playground and shared a pixi stick. No big deal. At least not to me. She however, came up to me the following day at school in a total MELTDOWN. I couldn't tell if she was crying or laughing or whatever, but she said "Jrdnn'Isuredapigzisticnwentoaparkafderyewlefft. I'm sorry..." I kid you not, the first sentence was just like that. So, I finally got it out of her that they'd SHARED A PIXI STICK AND WENT TO A PARK and I was totally fine with it. har har. At the end of the year, I dumped him cuz we went to a party and he was a total jerk, and he'd been acting like it was my responsibility to make him happy. yeah, not gonna happen! So I dumped him, but blamed it on my mom.
My next "boyfriend" shouldn't even count cuz it was only for three days. He asked me out, and on the second day, tried to get me to kiss him, so the next day, I dumped him. End of story.
In short, that's what doesn't fit the category of "my prince charming." No boyfriends in Jr. High. It's not a good idea.....