Sunday, November 27, 2011

Dang it...

So, Nick's mom answered my message on FB.  
More awkwardness, because she said "Hi - I miss hearing about you!"
That one kinda made me wonder just what Nick said about me when he was at home...
I still have yet to hear back from him, but i'm told the first couple months out in the field are really hard to get adjusted to everything, so...maybe I'll wait another few weeks before I send another letter...
My fingers are craving to get my hands on an envelope with his name in the upper-left corner though..
Uuuugh, well, she (Nick's mom) gave me the web address to his mission blog, so i've been reading that.
Gosh...He's soooo attractive in a suit and tie! It drives me insane!
Close behind that though is his cowboy boots, some rugged jeans, and a plaid shirt.
I'm gonna drool.
Just kidding. I'm NOT gonna do that, but he's definitely pretty attractive.
It did make me miss him terribly to see all the pictures of him on the blog.  So much that it's making it reeeaaallly hard to wait till he writes back to me again. I gotta be patient though.  This is gonna be a toughie.  We'll see if I pull through it...

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