Saturday, November 26, 2011

I'm a champion at "Awkward..."

Ok, so, seeing as it has been almost a MONTH since Nick has responded to my letter, I'm assuming it either never made it there, or he gave me the wrong mailing address or something...
I had to ask his mom for it......
That ONE thing that I REEEAAALLLLLY didn't want to do.
I ended up just messaging her on FB, because, I'll admit it, I'm a complete wuss and can't make myself talk to her on the phone, because, for one, I think she'd be curious as to how the heck I got their home phone number, and just, yeah..
The message itself was really awkward. 
"Hi, i don't know if you remember me.. I'm Nick's friend from work..."
I think that pretty much sums it up right there.

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