Saturday, November 5, 2011

1st Letter from Nick

It's been nearly 3 weeks since Nick first went into the MTC. It was rather weird, actually, when I was getting ready to send him my first letter. I was pretty sure I had missed the mailman, so I was gonna have to wait until the next day to have it mailed, but as I walked out to my mailbox, I saw the mailman coming up my street.
Talk about divine intervention.
There keep being weird things like that that happen with our letters. His letters always seem to come on a day when I'm feeling really stressed out or lonely or something, and mine seem to make defy the laws of postage so they get mailed on time.
In his first letter, from a couple weeks ago, he told me he misses my "wonderful smile, and beautiful hair."
I really wonder what he would think when I would smile.. I've never really thought my smile was that great, but I have to wonder if it ever took his breath away like he took mine. And of course, I knew he really liked my hair, because he would touch it all the time.
Aah, every time I think about him, I get chills. Good chills, not bad chills.
It seems like the past 3 weeks have gone by really fast. I wonder if it'll be the same for the next 23 months.

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