Friday, October 19, 2012

Never lie to a girl. She ALWAYS knows.

I have to rant. I'm beyond pissed off today that I don't know what the heck to do with myself.
On Wednesday, it was Fidget's birthday, and we all had a party over in this clubhouse in one of those special gated communities, big deal, blah blah blah.
It was fun, we had food, I gave him a "6 pack" of root beer, and I kissed him again when he drove me home, all wonderful.
So then yesterday, I had inservice at work from 9 pm till 11, and he wanted me to come over when I was done and we'd hang out for a little bit, but when I was done, he was like "I'm falling asleep, we should probably wait til tomorrow." 
So I was like "Ok, when do you get off work?"
He said he got off at 4.  I got off at 3, so I figured I'd have plenty of time to go home, change, and be all ready for him to come pick me up.  We wanted to go drive up the canyon and maybe film a little bit.  But suddenly, at about 4:30, I get this text from him that says "actually, I'm feeling too tired to go anywhere, let's do this tomorrow."
So I was like "..ok... wait, when do you work tomorrow?" 
He said he gets off at 2. I have to go in at 4:30.
So I said "That won't work."
So then he's like "What about Sunday?"
And I say "I'm ok with going on a drive, but I don't want to film on Sunday."
He never responded to that, but then he says "You're still coming to the Bond movie tonight, right?"
So then I'm like "Um, maybe."
I mean, really, he's too tired to go on a drive, but he's fine to host a movie party?
Yeah right.
So then I was kinda hurt, but I didn't say anything. I had to go pick up my brother from work around 6, so I picked him up, then I asked Fidget if I could come by and get my laptop, because I left it at his house on Wednesday, and he said that was fine. So, I went over to his house, and what do I find?
He's playing Nintendo with his sister, screaming and yelling, full of energy.
So then I'm thinking "Like Hell you're tired. You just wanted an excuse to not go with me."
I wouldn't have been bothered about the fact that he wanted to stay home and play with his sister if he had actually been honest about it and told me the truth.
The fact that he LIED about it reeeeaaally bothers me.
Then, to make matters worse, I went in and asked him if it was still on his desk in his room, and he said yeah, then he let me walk up and get it by myself.  He didn't even look at me.
So, I went back downstairs where everybody was, and was like "Well, I'm gonna go now."
After his sister was like "What are you doing, Fidget? Go say good-bye.", he actually stood up and came and said bye to me at the door, after asking me if I was coming to his movie night, to which I said "Probably not."
So, I went home, and worked on my Halloween costume all night.
That's how my Friday night went.
Definitely nothing like I had expected, or hoped for.
Also, the reason I can jump to this conclusion that he lied is because he's done it before.
It was a day when he was coming home from a football game at the college funded by my church, and he said he was finally getting to hang out with his friend who lives around there. They got home around 6:30, and I asked him what time the Bond movie that night was going to be, and he said 10.
I asked why, because that's cutting it close on my curfew, and he said "I have to do some chores."
Obviously not true, because he had already said he was hanging out with his friend.
So, yeah, I'm rather pissed about this whole thing. I haven't talked to him since I went and got my laptop. I'm gonna wait until he texts me, because I'm hoping to let him sit and stew over it for a while til he figures out that I saw through him.

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