Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ok, maybe that wasn't so bad.

So, I ended up talking to Fidget about last Friday, when I thought he lied to me, which I'm still kinda unsure of. But from what he told me, it sounded like he was telling the truth.
I brought it up nicely, when he and I were taking his sister back down to college.  I went along to keep him company.
When we had dropped her off, we went and found a McDonald's to get some food because we were both starving, and I brought it up then.  I was nice about it. I had waited a few days to let myself cool down, and when I asked him, I just said "If you really just wanted to spend time with her, I wouldn't have been mad, I would have just rather you tell me than try to keep it a secret."
He told me that he had been taking a nap for the little amount of time that he hadn't been talking to me, and when I asked him if I could go pick up my laptop, his sister (the one we took down to college) had come up and dragged him out of bed because she wanted him to play Nintendo with her.
Which sounds exactly like something she would do, so I wasn't surprised at all.
He said they had just started playing when I got there, and he said afterward he got mad at her because she made him look like a liar. I am still being wary though.
So far I haven't been disappointed.
The drive back up from taking his sister down to college was sooo scary though!
It was like, 10 at night when we finally left, so it was totally dark, and we were driving through the middle of nowhere on this two-lane highway that had nothing to either side except sagebrush and trees.  Talk about freaky! Some scary music actually started playing on the CD he chose and he started yelling at the stereo because he didn't want that music and it scared me so I jumped haha it was really freaky.
Just as we were leaving McD's though, Fidget was talking about how he wished he'd ordered a pumpkin shake, and I was sooo tempted to look at him and say "Do you want dessert?" in a very sexy way, as to let him know I meant a kiss, but then I chickened out and didn't say anything.  But I kept laughing to myself about it because I couldn't believe I'd debated saying something that corny.
He kept badgering me about what it was I was going to say, and I wouldn't tell him, but after time and time and time again of him begging me to tell him, I finally did, and half-expected him to make a face like "really..?" but instead, he was like "What?? You didn't say it!? No, you have to say those kinds of lines if you think of them! I love lines like that! I think they're adorable."
So that was a pleasant surprise.
I ended up getting in trouble for being past my 12 o'clock curfew that was set in place as soon as I started my mission papers. I'm still getting used to that.  
I don't like curfews.

By the way, I finished my Halloween costume, finally! I'm being Snow White from "snow white and the huntsman", the new movie that just came out. I don't care who says they didn't like it, I am not a Kristin Stewart fan whatsoever and I thought she did just fine. 
So anyone who is stereotypical enough to say that she was just as bad in this movie as in Twilight can just shut up. 
You don't know what you're talking about.

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