Wednesday, January 2, 2013

And the "W.E." award goes to... *drumroll*

Yay! We're so happy for him!
This is such a great accomplishment!
No one ever thought that it could be done, but
what do you know?!
He did it!

Just to clarify, "W.E." stands for "Worst Ex."
He even beat Ty in a landslide for this "award".
I'm not going to specify what won him this award in this post,
that will come later.  
I actually just came up with this idea today, 
more like 30 seconds ago. 
He's such a drama fag, and always awards himself every award 
possible, so I figured I should give him another one. 
He can put it in his trophy case.
Right in the front.

Ladies and Gentlemen, let's give him a round of applause! 

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