Sunday, September 18, 2011

He's going on a mission. I can't marry him. Obviously.

Anybody ever had that feeling where you know everything that's going on but nobody else does and you wanna tell people but you CAN'T and it kills you but you can't DO anything about it???
That's how I felt today.
It was awkward.
And amazing.
I cried a little bit.
But that's not important.
Today was that one guy's farewell, and I showed up to his church about 15 minutes early because I live clear the heck out here and he lives like 20 minutes away from my house or more and I wanted to be sure I found his church so I didn't miss anything. Anyway, I got there and he was talking to his mom, and I went and said hi and we were talking a little bit, then his grandma was like "why don't you come sit with us?" so I was like "Uh, ok..." because the previous night (or the night before...) me and that one guy had talked about how things were gonna go down, and we agreed that we were gonna kind of avoid each other so people wouldn't be like "Oh my gosh, look! They totally like each other!" or anything like that.
And another thing, everyone in his family remembered what my name was!
That was a little weird...
But anyway, the meeting was good, then he got up and gave his talk which was amazing, he did such a great job :) listening to righteous men talk about the gospel is awesome. And I'm just gonna say it, he looked like a STUUUD in his suit!
At the end of his talk, his brother and a couple other guys got up and sang "Army of Heleman" (I hope I spelled that right...) and both that one guy and me got all teary-eyed! I was like "aah, no, don't cry! you're making me cry!" in my head.
So anyway, after the meeting was over, we went over to his house and had food, and the whole time we were there, I was trying to follow up on what we had agreed and kinda avoid him and finally I found the other dude, my friend who keeps making fun of me about everything, and we were talking, and he was making fun of me some more, of course.
We went and got food and when we sat down, they had set up all their tables with pictures of him in his suit and honestly, they are AWESOME pictures. But, the problem was, the one that was in front of me, seriously looked like he was staring into my soul and it kinda made me feel uncomfortable so I turned it away, but then my dude friend moved it back and I wanted to punch him.
So anyway, after my dude friend left, I had no one to talk to, so then that one guy's grandma came up and started talking to me and she kept bringing up that one guy and how amazing his talk was and all that, and she said that I'm "such a pretty girl" so I was getting this feeling like 'this lady wants me to marry her grandson, like, right now.'
That was awkward.
basically what was going through my head was "lady, I'm trying to make things as easy for us as possible by not being all clingy and just bein chillaxed" but of course she didn't know that cuz we haven't told anyone in his family about it.
Of course I've told my mom. She had it figured out that I liked him even before I did. So did my dude friend, for that matter.
That's awkward too.
But anyway, then the other peeps from my work were gonna leave so I was like "dude, I'm not staying here all by myself. I already look like a freak." so I told him I was gonna go, and he gave me a hug, which I could totally tell we both wanted to be longer, but we had to make it short cuz there were people around, and Idk if they said anything to him about it after I left...I hope they didn't. He probably covered for it pretty well. But yeah.

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