Thursday, September 22, 2011

You disobedient boy, you. I like you.


If that's all I had to say to let everyone know exactly how I feel, I would be in bliss.
When I got to work this morning, I was working with that one guy again, and he was actually rotating ME this time.
(Talk about wishes coming true)
So yeah, it was sooo awkward at first. He wouldn't say a word to me, but he would constantly stare at me still, so I had no idea what to think about anything. About halfway through our shift, he was on break, and I was guarding the lap pool, and he had just checked the locker rooms, and came out and stood right next to my chair.
I glanced down nervously, and said "Hi."
He didn't say anything, so I clambered on down from the guard stand and stood next to him.
"What's up?" He asked.
(This is always the answer to that question when you're at work:)
"Just watchin the water..." I said, nodding my head slightly and pursing my lips. "You?"
He shrugged. "Nothing really."
We stood there for about thirty seconds, maybe even a minute, and didn't say anything.
After a while, he said "Well, I better let you go. I don't want you to get in trouble."
"I just hope you don't think that what I told you yesterday was easy for me to say, because it wasn't." I said, leaning over so he could hear me. My voice was hoarse and raspy, and I couldn't talk very loud.
For some reason, after I had told him that, things suddenly got less awkward. He actually smiled when he looked at me, and was laughing and joking with people, which I watched with a little smirk. I love seeing him spaz out and be insane. It's cute..
So yeah, on my last break, I went to get food at the food court, and as I was walking out the guard room door, I had this funny thought:
That would be kinda humorous if he was watching me and I slipped.
Guess what happened?
As I was rounding the corner of the deck by the fountain, he turned and looked at me. I looked back up at him and smiled,

and slipped...

I didn't fall over, but my arms flew out to catch my balance. When I looked back up at him, his mouth was curled into a smile and I could tell he was struggling not to laugh at me.
"I swear one of these days I'm going to slip and fall on my face and die." I said as I passed, and the smile got bigger, and I felt cherries popping up in my cheekbones and went to get my food.
When I came back onto the pool deck, I walked slowly and carefully so I wouldn't slip again. I never saw him look at me, but I'm betting he did. My back was turned.
On the next rotations, everything was fine, nothing felt really awkward, then on the last rotation, I looked at him, and he made an invisible steering wheel with his hands and raised his eyebrows.
He was asking me to go on a drive.
I nodded with a smile.
After a few minutes, he rephrased the question, and said it would be a little drive. I gave him a thumbs up because I had to be back at work an hour after we were done anyway.
The last 5 minutes of the shift couldn't have gone slower, but when they were over, I practically raced into the guard room because I'd remembered that I'd forgotten to fill out my achievement cards for swimming lessons, so I frantically started doing that, and got about a third of the way finished before he tapped me on the shoulder with his backpack, and I went with him, bringing my cards with me. I kept filling them out in the car on the way there, and for about 10 minutes after we got to the park, I was still filling them out, but I finished pretty fast. I only had 11 students this session.
We started talking about random stuff, then he got a call from his mom saying he needed to call his patriarch. So he was on his phone for about 10 minutes, talking to his patriarch about random stuff, and I sat there, patiently waiting. This was no business that I was going to say "when are you gonna be done?" about, cuz that's just retarded.
After he was done talking to his patriarch, I asked him if he was nervous, and he said no, then we kept talking about other random stuff. One of the things we talked about was how it's almost impossible for me to read him, like his expressions, etc. I can never tell what he's thinking. He kinda smiled and said "well that's good." then I said "then there's me who's a complete open book. I don't really like it." and I think he said something like "there's nothing wrong with that." or something to that extent. I can't remember.
Anyway, we were sitting next to each other on the bench, talking about something else and suddenly he said "can I hold your hand?" and almost before I said "ok," he reached over and took it. While we held hands, I told him how one of my head guards is going to do my eyelashes next week and how I'm super excited for it, and all the while I was talking, he kept glancing from my eyes to my mouth, then he leaned over so he was resting his forehead on his arm on the table, and I briskly rubbed his shoulders. When he sat back up, I said "there is one thing about you that's always obvious."
His expression was suddenly concerned.
"What is it?" He asked warily.
"I can always tell if you want to hold my hand." I teased, and he looked embarrassed.
"Or kiss you..." He said quietly, and I smirked.
"Just a little bit."
His face contorted in what seemed like discomfort, then he said "That's actually what I was thinking about all day today. How I could manage to just be your friend when I really want to kiss you, or be with you."
"I know, I can tell you're fighting it..." I said, and he laid his forehead back on his arm. "But, in all honesty...I am too."
He looked up at me.
"Would you hate me forever if I kissed you?" He asked, running his fingers through the back of my hair.
"Maybe a little." I said without wavering, and he looked pleasantly shocked.
"What? 'Maybe a little.'" He copied my tone and everything, and I couldn't help but giggle, but he turned his face away from mine.
"Hey," I said, turning his face back to look at me, "I was teasing. You should know by now, I'm a tease."
"You are a tease." He agreed playfully, moving his hand around to the side of my neck.
We just looked at each other for a moment, then he drew me closer, and my heart began to flutter. I don't think I was still actually on Earth when he touched his lips to mine, but I magically ended up sitting in front of him again when we parted and opened our eyes.
In all of about 2 seconds, my body began to quiver under my skin.
I looked down self-consciously at my hands, and knew that he noticed.
"You're shaking." He remarked.
"I know..."
I don't really remember a lot of what happened after that, other than we were talking about something else, and we ended up with our foreheads touching, then it was just breathing, then he leaned in and kissed me again, this time a little longer, and I soared clear to Saturn and back.
Then I was shaking worse.
"Dude, you're shaking really bad." He remarked again.
"I know..." I insisted.
"Come here." He said, pulling me into his arms and holding me tightly.
I felt home, completely at peace.
When he released me from his grip, I was still shaking horribly, and I turned away from him, embarrassed, and said "Aah, sorry..."
"It's ok. We should go."
"Yeah, we should. I've only got a few minutes." I agreed, and we walked back to his car, holding hands on the way.
"Why are you shaking so bad?" He asked.
" usually happens when my heartbeat is racing..." I admitted bashfully, and he actually laughed a little, which made me smile.
He opened my door for me and I got in the passenger seat, trying to lower my heart rate. As soon as we pulled away from the curb, he said:
"I totally disobeyed you...I'm sorry."
"It's ok." I said sincerely.
When we pulled back into the parking lot at work, we sat for a moment, and he kept apologizing.
"Hey, if you wanna kiss me good-bye, I'll let you, but I'm getting out of your car in 30 seconds." I said bluntly.
He sat for a few seconds.
Then looked out the window towards the building.
"Ok, come here." He said, and we kissed one more time before I got out of his car.
"Are we really sorry?" He asked through the window.
"I dunno..." I admitted.
"I'm not really that sorry..." He also admitted.
"Hey, you're the missionary, not me." I teased, heading towards the building.
"I'm not set apart yet." He corrected.
"True. Well, I gotta run in there." I said, and we said our good-byes and I literally ran into the building so I wouldn't be late.

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