Thursday, September 15, 2011

Yep. Shneaky shneaky.

So... I never said anything about what happened at work on Tuesday. Hehe...
It was funny.
I had gotten to work and found out I was rotating the guy I like again, so we were sitting across the pool from each other and again, he kept watching me. Except this time I watched back a bit. Most of the time I turned my head though cuz I didn't want my face to flush.
Work went on for the first few hours like that. He'd look at me, I'd make eye contact with him, we'd both smirk, then look away.
So THEN, I went over to talk to him while I was on my break cuz I was super bored, and I was telling him about what happened on Sunday with Ty's dad possibly moving, and all that jazz, and he was just listening but he kept leaning closer to me, and he was holding his guard tube right on the edge so his hand kept brushing against mine but mine was in my pocket, so I took it out most of the way, but my thumb and index finger were still in my pocket.
So we held pinky's.
Every now and then he would glance back to see if anyone was watching, then he grabbed my hand and held it while still holding onto his tube and after a few glances, we let go cuz we didn't want anyone to see...
Not to mention, we would probably get in trouble...
So then he told me that he was probably gonna go home early cuz we had a new guard that was in training but the managers felt she was ready to not have to shadow anyone anymore so he was gonna go home early. When he was taken off his chair, I went on break at the same time so we both walked in the guard room and i put my tube by my locker and answered a text, then before I could put my phone away, suddenly I heard him say "I need a hug." Then he wrapped his arms around me... :) nobody else was in the guard room but we hid behind the far side of the fridge just for good measure. When the head guard came in, she told him that he and another guard were gonna do some jobs so they went and cleaned the tiles in the lazy river with magic erasers for a while, and did little odd jobs, and by the time I got on my next break, he was getting ready to leave, so I went in the guard room and he was in there, towel around his waist, wearing a green shirt, and I knew he wanted to give me another hug before he left, so I just stood there, because the maintenance manager was still in there, jabbering on about something (I don't even remember what)
And eventually my foot started to tap in impatience, although I made it seem like it was just a nervous habit or something. I glanced over at the guy and he was looking at me and while the maintenance guy's back was turned, he said, really quietly, to the point where he was pretty much just mouthing the words:
"I want to hug you."
I just nodded.
I'm lame.
So when the maintenance guy finally left, he went in the first aid room and I followed him and we hugged for a few seconds, then the head honcho manager came in the door (she didn't see us, but we heard her) so we pretended to be busy with something in the first aid room till she left again then we hugged for another few seconds, then the maintenance guy came back in and was talkin about something, then the head guard came in and said "there's something sticky on the handrails by the slide." then was trying to explain WHICH handrails, but he wasn't getting it.
Me and the guy were just standing next to each other, kinda snickering, but i could tell we were both thinking "Oh my gooosh, just leave."
So then he says:
"Why don't you go SHOW him?"
Then they left.
And he went back in the first aid room.
I followed and before I put my arms around him, said "You're sneaky."
and he said "oh, I know." in this way that made my heart flutter.
So then we hugged for a couple more seconds, and he tousled my hair, then he had to leave.
We're sneaky.

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