Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I did it!

I felt completely and totally crazy today, 
but I went and visited Nick's family today :) 
I thought it was going to be really super weird,
but it ended up being totally chill and awesome.
It started off with me needing to go to the store
before I picked up my brother from work, 
but when I got to the store, they hardly had anything
that I was looking for (either they were out, or 
they just didn't have it. Lame.)
And I got this feeling like I should go visit his family.
Funny thing is I got this same feeling like, a month ago.
Maybe even longer than that.
It was when I was going to go visit Fidget, but he told me
he needed like, 20 minutes, I almost went over to Nick's
house to say hi to his family, but I chickened out.
I got that same feeling tonight as I was in the store, and 
finally I got up the guts to do it. 
The drive over was excruciating, and I stressed about 
what I would say, what I would do, how to approach
the situation, because every possibility just seemed
awkward and unnatural.
You know, I just come walking up to the door:
"Hi... I'm Nick's friend from work."
Awkward! No bueno!
Fortunately for me, his dad was out shoveling
the driveway when I pulled up, so I went over
and re-introduced myself, and asked if Nick's mom
was at home. 
She was, thank heaven, and we went inside and 
had a nice chat for about half an hour, until
I had to go pick up my brother from work.
Turned out a lot better than I thought it would be :)
I think, luckily, I contacted his mom on Facebook first
before just going over there.
That would have been weird.

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