Sunday, August 5, 2012

I used to like guys like that? What was wrong with me?

So, today was my bestest friend in the whole world's birthday party.
She's freaking 19 now.
She's so old.
Anyway, in Highschool, she was super into drama and whatnot, so all of her highschool friends are all drama geeks. I used to be way into drama, but I kind of left that behind because I realized there are some things that are just a smidge more important.
Anyway, at her party, there were a ton of those guys there, and by the end of the night, I will admit, I had a lot of their attention. One or two in particular. 
The one I was aiming for, I didn't end up getting his number. Blah.
He was actually really cool. He played Frisbee with me and a couple other guys.
Yeah, I was the only girl that stayed and played Frisbee. 
All the other girls were like "oh, no, I'm so bad at sports.."
I was like "Sit back and buckle your seat belts. Watch this" 
*throws Frisbee 50 yards*
Not really, but you know what I mean. Silently, I was like that. 
But year, all the rest of those dudes that were all in their fancy button-up shirts with their vests and fancy pants, blah blah blah. I was rather disgusted with them. 
It's like "dude, you're a guy, stop dressing up."
I've realized that my man, whoever he is, better be a freaking man or he's not going to be my man.
A man doesn't dress up every day and isn't afraid to get his hands dirty.
He works in the yard.
He takes things that are broken and finds out how to fix them and does it. He doesn't need someone else to do it for him.
He's not completely suave.
He doesn't use pick-up lines.
He's blunt, but not too blunt
He's confident.
He will love his children
He looks like this: 

This is my happily ever after. Living my whole life with a man who loves me, and loves my kids, who works hard, isn't afraid to mess up his hair, will have mud fights with me if I want, and will be faithful and be my companion for Eternity.

He sure as heck doesn't look like this:

Bleh, guys that are that obsessed with their looks are just gross. They're gross. Ok?
Anywho, that's all for this post.

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