Saturday, August 11, 2012

I'm "Boy"cotting again. No big deal.

Thank you very much to Jason,
I'm "boy"cotting again.
I'm so sick of him messing with my head,
I just don't even want to deal with anything anymore.



I went to this Institute dance thing last night with a 
good friend of mine whom I haven't seen in forever
and a half.
She's Jason's cousin, by the way.
So, we go to this dance, and right away, I see Jason's car
and I'm like "Oh no..."
So we walk in there, sure enough, I see him,
he's with his few friends 
dancing around like a freak, which is somewhat
So, me and my friend, I don't know what she'd
want to be called, but for now I'm gonna call her
Me and Alison are just dancing by ourselves for a while,
and eventually, I'm not exactly sure how, 
we ended up in Jason's little group.
Everything was just fine and dandy, I had no problem with him
being all flirty with other girls. That's his problem,
not mine.
But on all the slow songs, he would dance with one of the girls 
in our group, or occasionally, another girl somewhere on the dance floor.
But the whole night, he NEVER asked me.
Not once.
Do I have a reason to be pissed?
I believe so.
Seriously, how humiliating is that???
Everyone can see he was asking all the other girls, then he just
bypasses me like I'm dust on the bottom of his shoe.
That just pisses me off.
It's ungentlemanly.
So, therefore, I've resorted full-heartedly to go back to
the way it was before.
No dating for me.
And not nearly so much socializing.
All it does is piss me off because people are stupid.
So why waste my time?
And what makes it worse is when other guys try to defend him.
There's no defending that.
I'm freaking sick of these ball-less guys who are so concerned with
"how mean women are" that they don't have the guts to put
themselves on the line.
This whole "waiting for the girl to make the first move" is retarded.
It's pathetic.
It's lazy.
Guys, man up and freaking ask a girl out.
Ask her to dance.
Be nice to her.
No matter who she is.
It's called common courtesy and respect.
By the way, this is post #100!!! Woot!

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