Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Nothing like a little failure...

So, I've been trying to move out of my parents' house for months...
Aaaaand, obviously it hasn't worked out, because I'm still stuck here.
I hate it.
I feel like I'm a rock, stuck at the side of a stream. 
Nowhere to go.
What sucks the most is I have this amazing opportunity to move into this sweet apartment close to where I work, and is it going to work?
Probably not.
My parents just had a big long talk with me about why it won't work...
Way to be supportive, right?
They say they're "excited for me to move out." Whatever.
They say they're just trying to protect me from things they didn't know before they moved out when they were my age.  Things that I've already thought about, and that I already know.
But is that enough for them?
Then of course, my mom went ahead and took a blow at my confidence again today.
She has a horrible habit of doing that.
She was trying to talk to me about it, I was only about half-listening, but when she was done talking, I said "So, if this wasn't supposed to work out, why did I feel so strongly that I should go for it?"
And her answer was:
"I don't know, you kind of have that disposition that every one of your ideas is a good one."
I hate my mom's advice. It never helps. It only hurts. 
Doesn't help my older brother is being a stick in the mud and won't get his butt in gear towards what HE should be doing. 
Really, he should be on his mission right now, or very soon.
Not wasting his time on some girl, or sitting in front of a computer.
At times, I feel like I'm ahead of him in life, and I think that pisses him off. 
Is that my fault though?
Like, today I asked him if asking this girl out is really the right thing for him to be doing, and his response was "Is moving out the right thing for you to be doing?"
I can't get through to him.
And apparently I can't do anything else right either.
I kind of want to die right now.
What the hell am I going to do with myself for the next five months if I can't get out of here???
How am I supposed to move forward if I'm stuck here with 6 other people who are getting in the way?
Seriously, my family is becoming more a burden to me than a blessing.
I need to get away so I can learn to appreciate them again.

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