Saturday, September 22, 2012

Relationships come and go. Apparently, so do friends.

So, I lost a friend today.
One of my best friends.
I'm not going to say much about it,
only that the only reason I'm even getting
through this is because I went
and talked to Taylor after I had a 
fight with Peter earlier today.
I really miss Taylor.
Like, a freaking lot, dude.
The guy is like my big brother, and I
feel like I haven't seen him in ages.
At the end of our conversation, 
he asked me if anything else was wrong,
and I said nothing
even though it really wasn't nothing.
Oh, we girls have a horrible habit
of doing that.
I know.
But, he, being him, able to see right through
me, figured out what it was, 
without using words.
He advised me to pray tonight, long
and hard, about the decision I had to make
about Peter.
Also, what to do about Nathan.  
I'll get to that story a little later.
I am really grateful that I have Taylor as an
influence in my life, he's really a fantastic
If God would send me a man who was just like
Taylor, I'd marry him.

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