Sunday, September 2, 2012

I am rather ashamed to call you my friend.

I seriously cannot believe some people.
People who have the nerve to say they're doing the right thing
when they obviously haven't thought it through,
and they're just being a puppet for somebody else
who jumped to conclusions.
That is one thing I have the most trouble forgiving.
Especially when it hurts someone I care about.
I don't care if you were my friend before,
you hurt one of my best friends,
you better believe I will freaking come after you.
And it may not end well.
But do I care?
Because everybody knows most friendships end
with time.  
I've been fortunate to have made several friends who
I believe will last a lifetime, and if anyone else tries
to mess with them, and I mean ANYONE, you better
be ready to feel the heat cuz I'll come straight out of the
depths of Hell and swallow your soul.
This kind of two-faced puppetry isn't tolerated with me.
It never will be.
I won't hold a grudge, but my good opinion has been lost.
And it can rarely ever be returned,
unless you astonish me.
But I doubt that will happen.
For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about,
don't bother asking, because I won't tell you.

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