Saturday, October 15, 2011

The difference between 19 and 5. And it's not 14.

For anyone out there who has a younger brother or sister, they can get pretty crazy, right?
And they suddenly turn into hilarious little monsters whenever you have company.
In this case, I was over at my unbiological sister's house with our other unbiological sister, and her little brother, who is 5 years old, was talking to us, and out of nowhere, he started screaming and running across the room, slamming into each wall over and over again. We watched him for a few "cycles", then one of them said
"Don't you love how this is how 5 year olds try to impress us?"
I nodded, but suddenly another image popped into my head. It had almost no relation to the current spectacle, but I imagined Nick doing the same thing: trying to impress me by running back and forth across the room slamming into the walls and screaming.
I started laughing out loud.
They wondered what I was laughing at, and I told them what I had just thought of, then they both laughed almost hysterically.
It still makes me laugh, actually.
I think it's just because if a grown man did that, we would probably check him into a psycho ward, but when little boys do it, it's just cute. And that's perfectly fine, I think.

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