Friday, October 21, 2011

It's only been two days.

It was rather weird having Nick just kinda 'disappear'... I can't really explain it, only that it wasn't exactly happy...
Gosh I miss him so much....
I was on my Facebook tonight, looking through some of my Head Guard's mobile pictures, because she's been saying she's got another boyfriend lately, and I wanna see a picture!
But anyway, back on track, I came across a picture of her and Nick when they went horsebacking together. And I felt a little jealous again...
He looked so handsome, in plaid, and cowboy boots, but he doesn't wear a cowboy hat, thank heaven. I think I would probably die and go to "Hillbilly Hell."
I think about him every time I go to work... it's impossible not to.
As it turns out, one of my managers now knows about the little connection he and I had before he left, because one time when Nick was working with her on a late-night shift, she was teasing him about if he had someone "writing to him on his mission" in the sense of:
"do you have a special girl who's gonna write to you?"
He said "kinda, yeah."
So then she was like "who is it? who is it?" and wouldn't leave him alone about it, and it was rather hilarious, I thought, because she said he kept getting really mad at her, saying "I'm not gonna say anything! You ALWAYS get me to tell you stuff I don't want to tell you!"
She was laughing while telling me this.
So in the last like, 10 minutes of their shift, she was still bugging him about it and she was like "what's the big deal? do I know her?"
and he was like "yeah..."
And for some reason, as soon as he said that, the first person she thought of was ME, so she said "is it Grace?"
And then he started yelling.
"How did you know? Why would you have guessed her first!?"
My manager laughed and said "Idk, she's the only one I can think of who has the patience to put up with you."
So yeah, he admitted that we really like each other to her, but that we were trying to not be serious, and then she started making fun of him, like, giving him pointers on how to "not get into trouble" with me, and whatever.
So yeah, she knows.
Which also means she knows that I'm not dating my other friend at work, who she was sooo certain I was a "couple" with for the longest time, to the point where there were rumors being spread about it.

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