Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Not today. Not right now.

Ok, so I think last night was probably one of the cutest nights of my life.
I know.
I say that a lot.
In short, you should be jealous cuz my life is cute and yours isn't.
(Kidding, of course XD)
So anyway, I was at my house, getting ready to go take a shower because I had to get my hair wet during swim lessons so I hadn't even bothered prettying up or washing my hair or anything of the sort before I left for work. I felt gross.
I was in my bathrobe hanging up my big bath towels when suddenly my phone started to vibrate a lot, and I looked at it and "Nick" was calling me.
I rushed out of the bathroom and into my room and answered, and he asked me what I was doing, and I said I needed to get cleaned up from teaching, but he asked me if I would be all ready in about an hour and I said "Yeah, why?" and he was wondering if I wanted to get slushies with him or something, because he was 'heading my way' coming home from his friend's apartment at BYU.
I told him absolutely, then as soon as I was off the phone, I showered as fast as I could then got back in my room and got ready.
For the first time in my life, I changed outfits 4 times before being content with what I was wearing...
It was sad.
He called me at 9, asking if it was ok if he came at 9:30 instead, and I said that was fine, so I cleaned up my room until then, which was productive.
When he got to my house, we decided we didn't wanna get slushies, cuz it was kinda cold, so we went to JCW's and got fries. It was pretty sweet. He was trying to get me to guess names of football players on the Colt's team, cuz they had a game playing on the tube, but I really could care less.
(Seeing as a certain ex of mine was completely into football)
After we left JCW's, we drove to main street in my city, and parked by the park by the old rec center. We got out and walked around, and talked about lots of things. He was commenting on how old the trees were, saying that the park by my work where he first kissed me, the trees were older. I'd forgotten, and he was appalled at me for a moment, but not very long.
We went to the swings in the park and I wanted to show him how I could do a backflip off the swings like I used to, but I'm so out of practice, and kind of a scaredy-cat, I could never do it. He was going as high as he could, so that he free fell for about a second before swinging backwards. We jumped out of the swings, and of course, I slipped and fell on my butt as soon as I landed. I can't remember how he landed, but I'm pretty sure it was solid.
We walked back to the pavilion, and I was telling him how I'd done kind of a "play" type of thing of the Joseph Smith story in this park, and showed him the little house in the playground that we'd used as Carthage Jail, then we went and sat on one of the benches by one of the older trees. Once we'd gotten bored of that, we were walking around some more and we ended up back at the pavilion. He was sitting on one of the tables and I was standing up right in front of him. We stared at each other for a long time before he leaned in and kissed me, and his hands happened to move right over the spot on my shoulders which is extremely ticklish and I flinched.
(Something similar had happened before, and that's how I know he's ticklish on his left side)
He leaned away from me for a second, and I looked sheepish.
"you're ticklish right there?" He asked, trying to touch it again. I squirmed and protested and he laughed at me.
After that it became somewhat of a tickle war. He'd try to get my shoulders. I'd try to get his side. Just before we left, we had a really bad battle. I had my arm around his waist, and brushed his side with my overly long nails and he flinched, then attacked me. I tried to get away and we ended up spinning around, then when we finally balanced, I was only actually standing on one foot, with him holding me up by my waist. We were grinning at each other playfully, then we called it a draw.
When we got to his car, he opened the door but neither of us moved, and I can't remember what happened, but he ended up twirling me around, like a dance twirl.
I asked him what he was doing, and he said "I'm dancing."
"You dance?" I asked, surprised.
"Oh yeah." He said, and took my hand in his, resting his other hand on my waist, and my hand on his shoulder and we danced in almost complete silence, except he was humming a tune I didn't know. He twirled me several more times, then we said we had to go home, so we got in his car and he drove me up to my house.
On the way up the hill to my road, Taylor Swift's "You belong with me" was playing on the radio. He was making up his own ridiculous words to the song, and I asked him what he problem with Taylor Swift is, and he said "She's pretty! I wanna be pretty like Taylor Swift!" and my whole body shook with the laugh that came out of my mouth.
We pulled up to my house and my garage was still open with the light on and Nick noticed our yellow bike hanging up on the wall and said "that's a nice bike."
"it's a piece of crap." I countered.
"I wanna check it out." He said, and we went into my garage to check out the bike. He said it's a good bike, and I told him the problems which he also said would be no problem to fix, then he walked out of my garage. I followed and pulled on the rope tied to the handle to shut the big door.
Our automatic shutter had been broken for years.
I told him that and he said "that blows."
"Eh, it's life." I shrugged.
"Life sucks." He said, his face contorting a little bit.
"Sometimes." I corrected. He suddenly smiled at me, taking me by the waist and pulling me closer.
"Not today. Not right now." He said softly before kissing me, and lifting me off the cement. Involuntarily, my left foot popped as he held me above the ground, and our lips didn't part until he had put me back on the ground. We were both grinning wide, cheesy smiles at each other, before he said good-bye and kissed me one more time before turning and going to his car.

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