Thursday, October 13, 2011

So commences the beginning of the next two years...

Well, it happened.
Time's up.
And saying goodbye was harder than I ever thought it would be.
I worked Nick's last shift with him, but the problem was we weren't going to be rotating each other, but I pulled strings anonymously until we were.
The shift was generally very quiet, which was slightly upsetting, but we had a bit of fun. He poured some of his ice cold water on my foot one of the times he rotated me, and the next time, he touched it to my leg, still freezing cold, so I aimed and shot my own ice water, and it hit him right in the back of the neck.
I think I won.
Around the middle of the shift, he asked me if he and I could switch places because he had a private swimming lesson coming a little earlier than 3 and needed to end on the last break. I, being the generous person I am, decided to let him have it.
I'm just gonna say this now, one of my favorite things in the world is watching him teach. He has such patience with his students, and knows how to have fun teaching them. And it was rather impressive watching him swim under the water across the pool and back again without coming up for air...
I probably stared too much...
I tried not to.
I got done guarding about 10 minutes before his lesson would be over, so I went and stuck my feet in the hot tub, inconspicuously waiting for him to come to me. I knew that's where he would go once his lesson was over.
When he did come over, he pretended to try to cannonball in and splash me, so I flinched, but it only hit my legs. He sat several feet away from me, leaned his head back, and said "Last time I'm gonna be in a pool for 2 years. That sucks. I love pools."
I smirked at the statement.
When he got out, I hung back a few seconds, then followed him into the guard room. I stood around talking to the other people in there while he went and changed back into street clothes, then he still didn't go anywhere.
Again, I don't remember how, but we ended up in the guard room alone again, all except one of the swim team coaches, but they were at the computer. He went into the First Aid room. I followed. And we had our last secret hug at work.
A huge lump rose in my throat, and I fought it back as I watched him clear out the last bit of stuff from his previously disastrous locker. Seeing it empty just wasn't normal... As he pulled the drawstring on his backpack tight and put on his leather cowboy boots, I found my voice.
"Mind if I walk with you out to your car?" I asked, my voice shaky.
"Not at all." He said, and we walked out of the building together. I had forgotten my shoes but luckily the new tar on the parking lot didn't stick to my feet and turn them black. Arriving at his car, which was a very short walk, he opened the driver's side and tossed his backpack into the passenger seat.
I was holding on by a thread.
He held out his arms one more time, and we hugged softly.
"See you in two years, I guess.." I half-whispered, my voice actually cracking in my attempt to hold back tears.
"Yeah, I'll be here. Hopefully you'll still be here." He said sweetly, and we pulled back.
"I probably will be."
"Nah, you'll probably be married by the time I'm back." He joked, and I almost hated him for saying it, but I don't blame him. I'm not waiting for him. He knows that.
"I have no intention of getting married anytime soon." I said, putting on a fake grin.
"Nobody intends to, it just happens." He insisted, and I giggled a little bit. Then he stroked my hair a little bit, and said "Bye, Grace.."
"Bye.." I repeated, and he got in his car, but before he closed it, I had one more thing to say.
"Nick," I started, to get his attention, "thanks for everything." I said with probably too much sincerity, because suddenly it was practically impossible to hold myself together.
"You too." He smiled, and we shared our last glance before he drove away.
On my way back to the building, I lost it a little, but I pulled myself together enough to fool everyone into believing there was generally nothing wrong with me. One of the guards wasn't convinced though. He'd watched me walk out with Nick, and when I came back in, he noticed my eyes were watery. I never told him anything though.
I managed to hold myself together pretty well for the rest of the day, but I was sooo sad...
At the end of the day, I decided to watch "Tangled" and let out all my pent up feelings. And let me tell you, as soon as the duet between Rapunzel and Eugene started, it came out. In waves.
That box of creme-filled donuts was so delicious at that moment.
And yes, I ate all of them. All 8. And 2 frosted regular donuts with sprinkles.
I'm gonna get fat.
But yeah, I feel better now. Not completely, but I'll get there. Maybe.
I'm so thankful he remembered to put his MTC address on his facebook page though. He told me if he forgot, I could get it from his mom, but I do nooot wanna talk to her. She scares me... Only because she's his mother.
I know, it's rather ridiculous.
But it's kinda like Nick told me the day before yesterday, when he came over to my house to get me so we could go to Walmart, he met my dad outside, and shook his hand. He said later his adrenaline was pumping like crazy, which I laughed at.
Everyone's afraid of my dad.
I think his reason was just because it was my dad.
But yeah, he's an ordained missionary now. I can't see him or talk to him or anything, basically. I have to wait till he's in the MTC before I can start sending him letters. It's gonna be a long wait.
I never told him about Tuesday, and my prayer. I'm debating whether to tell him in my first letter, or, if I'm still single when he comes back, to tell him then. We'll see how things work out.
But for now, so commences the beginning of the next two years.
Without him.

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