Sunday, October 2, 2011

My dreams like to torture me...

I had a dream last night, not like anything I might have expected. Not at all.
It was all about Ty.
Here's what happened.
I was going to some sort of like, mini-play type thing, and I didn't have anyone to sit by so I was sitting by myself, and suddenly I get a text from Ty that says "I'm here."
Mentally I freak out, and look around, now reeeaaally wishing someone was already sitting next to me, but as I looked around, I saw him two rows ahead of me, sitting next to this other girl, who by all means was rather...large...but anyway, as soon as I saw him, I practically laid on my row of chairs so he wouldn't turn around and see me. I didn't even pay attention to anything that was happening in the 'play.' I kept glancing at him, and eventually he had his arm around her and she was leaning her head on his shoulder.
Anger flared in my chest.
When the thing ended, I got out of there as fast as I could, but not before he'd seen me. I ignored that fact though, and he didn't follow me. He and this other girl, I think her name was Kaylee or something, I don't remember, and I don't really care. But anyway, the next place I saw them was together by this pond thing. She was like, an emo girl, who wore too much makeup, and had a nose piercing, I think. She was wearing a bikini, and he was in gym shorts and a t-shirt, I think. He's self conscious about his body.
Anyway, they kept kissing, but then he saw me, and said "I'll be back." then came to follow me. I turned and tried to walk away but he caught my arm.
"I've missed you." He said, trying to keep hold of my hand but I wrenched it away.
For some reason our surrounding suddenly changed and it looked like we were in a plane... maybe a bus...I dunno.
"That's great." I said bitterly.
"Can I have a kiss?" He asked, and my mouth actually gaped open.
"You have your other girl. Get one from her. Besides, you'd be cheating on her if I did."
He laughed at that and said "She cheats on me all the time."
"No, I'm not gonna help you cheat." I said more stubbornly.
"Teddy Bear..." he started, and I wanted to slap him. Teddy Bear was the pet name he always used to call me.
"DON'T call me that." I almost yelled.
"Teddy, come here." He said, grabbing my arms and pulling me close to him. He was always a lot stronger than me, and I'm not that weak, but I couldn't stop him. He kissed me for a long several seconds, then finally I pushed him away.
"Can I have a hug?" He asked.
"No." I said flatly, putting as much space between him and me as possible.
Then we were told that we had to go back to my back yard, so we did, and these people were performing a sad love song, and apparently me and Ty were part of it, because we went up and sat on this bench, sang our part about 'missing the other person' and I had to hold his hand for the last few seconds of the song. I don't remember what song it was, but I just wanted to get out of there. It was all so awkward.
When it was over, I walked off the stage and we were back on the plane/bus thing.
"Can I just have one hug?" He asked again.
"No." I said, crossing my arms across.
"Alright." He said sadly, then he had to go talk to some other guy, and I guess he was secretly an army agent because something terrible was gonna happen, and he had orders to go and try and stop what was happening for as long as possible, but the probability of him dying was almost inevitable. I'm pretty sure we were in a plane now, because he went to the back and opened a door, and stood there looking at me.
"I love you. Always remember that." He said, before disappearing into the dark, and I was left wondering if I'd actually wanted to give him that last hug. But now it was too late.
That's when I woke up.

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