Friday, September 9, 2011

Awkward Smiles and Shifty Eyes

So I said how yesterday, the dude I work with suddenly stopped pretending I don't exist and gave me a hug yesterday. Today, he seriously wouldn't stop staring at me at work! And I had to rotate him on stand and every time we would look at each other and then like, look down or pretend to find something very interesting in the empty pool. The last time I rotated him off the lap pool, he got down off the guard chair but then didn't move, and I had my water bottle in my mouth, thinkin "what are you doing, dude?" and suddenly he says
"Hey Beautiful."
And my face goes O.O
And I think I turned red.
I'm not sure.
I'm really confused though, and I don't really know what to do. Well, k, that's a lie, I know what I need to do, just now it's gonna be a little harder...

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