Sunday, September 11, 2011

There is nothing wonderful about this post

Yesterday I found out that "Larry"'s dad is moving to California in a couple weeks. Found out today that "Larry" might go with him...
Idk how I feel about that...
I mean, yeah, i broke up with him. Shouldn't I be fine if he decides to run away from everything and "start fresh" as he says? I would hope I would be but apparently that's not gonna happen. Idk, when he told me, I guess I just realized how much I'm not over him...
I've spent the whole day today trying to hold back a wave of tears that's threatening to break loose, cuz I told myself I'm not gonna spend the next forever crying over him.
I don't even know how I feel about anything. And I can't explain why I don't know, or why I feel any certain way, or anything. One minute I'm fine, next second I'm full of insecurity and throwing up walls so nobody can get in and see what I'm feeling or anything like that. I've never been this guarded before. It's weird. And I think people are starting to get annoyed by it, but I don't really care.
I'm hurt.
People can complain all they want but it's not gonna make me act any certain way. I do what I want, or what I feel I need.
And right now I need solitude.
Other times I need friends.
And I have girl friends for that,
cuz boys are stupid...
Anyway, I'm done.

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